Forum Post: My Goal as a Troll
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 11:04 p.m. EST by MisguidedYouth2
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
My goal as a troll ( hey that rhymes), is to act like a filter nudging what I believe can be a usefiul movement towards goals that I, as a tea party advocate, can get behind. I, for example, would advocate term limits, and the pure public financing of campaigns, but as long as this movements loudest voices are advocating the destruction or dismantling of our republic, the repudiation or shredding of our constitution, camp out in parks disturbing the peace and simply being a nuisance to others, you won't get anywhere. Get organized, build a platform like the tea party did, elect your candidates and make Shit happen, in the boundaries of our republic, not in the shadows,
The Tea Party and OWS have a lot in common. The Tea Party are Republicans who feel their party no longer speaks for their constituents. The OWS are Democrats who feel that their party no longer speaks for their constituents. They are both right. The political parties are no longer for the people by the people, they are for the corporation by the corporation. The people no longer have any control over what a politician says or does. Politicians are merely puppets now, dancing on strings pulled by Wall Street, Bankers, Corporations and Lobbyists. The people merely vote on whether the puppet wears a blue or a red suit.
Term limits are a mechanical device trying to deal with an organic structure and hence is ineffectual. It takes years to learn the complex and archaic legislative process and develop connections, political and personal. Two years is nothing for a member of the House. Six years (in the Senate) is just enough time to learn and decide what and how serious you will be in your job as a Senator. Limiting terms is no solution. It is an interesting idea to address a very real problem but we need good legislators at least until the time when we change the whole legislative process which, hopefully, will occur in the next 20 years. Change faces more rapidity is absolutely no assurance of getting competent and honest representatives. If only it were that simple. No, a much more radical approach is needed: total legislative reform.
Tea Party started out talking about being agaist the bailouts and getting wall street out of Government and then did a complete about face.It was completely taken over by AFP which is a KOCK BROS organization and all the sudden they went to being corporations best friends kinda funny! ( Watch Billionaires Tea Party on LINK TV), Were not fools and the two have almost nothing in common.
The Tea Party and OWS have a lot in common. The Tea Party are Republicans who feel their party no longer speaks for their constituents. The OWS are Democrats who feel that their party no longer speaks for their constituents. They are both right. The political parties are no longer for the people by the people, they are for the corporation by the corporation. The people no longer have any control over what a politician says or does. Politicians are merely puppets now, dancing on strings pulled by Wall Street, Bankers, Corporations and Lobbyists. The people merely vote on whether the puppet wears a blue or a red suit.
The Tea Party and OWS have a lot in common. The Tea Party are Republicans who feel their party no longer speaks for their constituents. The OWS are Democrats who feel that their party no longer speaks for their constituents. They are both right. The political parties are no longer for the people by the people, they are for the corporation by the corporation. The people no longer have any control over what a politician says or does. Politicians are merely puppets now, dancing on strings pulled by Wall Street, Bankers, Corporations and Lobbyists. The people merely vote on whether the puppet wears a blue or a red suit.
Ok, all valid points, put them into the Direct Democracy Voting system and lest put them to debate and find candidates to support those issues and democratically developed solutions.
Stop just chatting, start working up issues, solutions, and Candidates on a real Direct Democracy Voting System just released to public last week!
What did you not understand about "In the boundaries of our republic and not in the shadows".
what has this to do with the Flag Ceremony, in your "not understand about" comment?
The Tea Party and OWS have a lot in common. The Tea Party are Republicans who feel their party no longer speaks for their constituents. The OWS are Democrats who feel that their party no longer speaks for their constituents. They are both right. The political parties are no longer for the people by the people, they are for the corporation by the corporation. The people no longer have any control over what a politician says or does. Politicians are merely puppets now, dancing on strings pulled by Wall Street, Bankers, Corporations and Lobbyists. The people merely vote on whether the puppet wears a blue or a red suit.
The Tea Party doesn't seem to have staying power to change politics. I spoke to a co-worker who is a die hard Tea Party member. I asked him if he ever heard about the Koch brothers. He stated no. I asked him what is the Tea Party platform on globalization of the workforce and shipping manufacturing jobs oversees to increase corporate profits. He stated he wasn't sure. I asked him if his Party supported wage and benefit reductions for middle class workers. He knew this answer and stated Yes because it would create jobs in the United States. Bottom line is that the Tea Party is a joke.
OneVoice from OneTeaPartier. Not exactly a corum my friend. If you met a Polish guy that you disagreed with, would you also claim that all the Poles are a joke? I think not. Smarten up.
Er, we don't exactly have a quorum of fools and/or lunatics here either. We can produce inarticulate extremist morons from the Tea Party just as readily as you can produce racists and conspiracy theorists from within our ranks. My advice to you is that we push aside those who behave in that manner and actually look at using OWS to achieve campaign finance and lobbying reform as a start. You and I are probably going to disagree about a lot of things after that, but let's worry about our differences when we've achieved our common objectives.
Groups of fools, racists, conspiracy theorists, and communists do (unfortunately) exist, and have been trying to take advantage of the lack of a central structure to turn OWS into their personal soapbox. They are a very vocal and obnoxious minority, but they are a minority nonetheless. I'd say that OWS and its backers are mostly reasonable moderates and/or angry people who just want change.
If you are confident in the Tea Party platform then give them your 100% support. Make Koch proud
I must have missed all these voices "advocating the destruction or dismantling of our republic, the repudiation or shredding of our constitution". And yet you say that those voices are the loudest.
How odd. Either I've been missing these "loudest voices" ... or they are audible only in your head.
Denial is a river son, not a path to the truth. One of your brothers has already come clean and explained he has made appeals to the OP (what ever the hell that is) to denounce these kooks, and here you stand denying they even exist.
I didn't outright deny that such people exist, but it is plain that they are not the loudest voices, or they'd be ... y'know ... audible.
Tell you what, you collect all the quotes you can from OWS protestors "advocating the destruction or dismantling of our republic, the repudiation or shredding of our constitution", and then I'll see how many quotes I can find that advocate no such thing, and we'll see who's been louder.
From Arod1993. He agrees these voices are loud.
"Groups of fools, racists, conspiracy theorists, and communists do (unfortunately) exist, and have been trying to take advantage of the lack of a central structure to turn OWS into their personal soapbox. They are a very vocal and obnoxious minority, but they are a minority nonetheless. I'd say that OWS and its backers are mostly reasonable moderates and/or angry people who just want change."
"But they are a minority nonetheless".
Yes indeed.
In what sense are they the "loudest voices", then? Since, y'know, they're almost inaudible, and drowned out by the voices of the "reasonable moderates".
if you never came to this site and relied on outside sources to get a sense of what this movement is about, it's not portrayed exactly as main stream, which by extension, means the "minority" seem to be having a greater impact than the "majority". That's why the movement only enjoys 38% approval rating. Remember 20% of the country is leftist to start, and at least that many can easily be fooled. 99% my ass!
You appear to be repeating almost word for word crap which I have already answered further down this thread.
How's these apples:
So your example of one of the "loudest voices" in the OWS movement is ... some guy who is apparently from China?
How did his voice get to be so much "louder" than the people disagreeing with him on that same thread? Y'know, these people:
"Openly calling for the dismantling of the current government comes perilously close to sedition. If one wishes to change the current federal government, there is a LEGAL means to do so and that is via a National Constitutional Convention(Article V)."
"I can't believe how wrong you are."
"It's posts like this that are seeking to undermine this movement. We, the 99%, are not seeking a new, half-baked, fanatical government. We, the 99%, simply want to see a fix to the current system.
Hey, if you want to overthrow the US Government and attempt to implement your own, have at it... but don't hang on our coat tails while doing so. You're stinking up the place."
"War is violence and death. Revolution is war. If a new constitution is needed it will come into existence because everyone agrees it should, not because of murder or destruction."
"What we have is fine, it just needs patching"
"Socialism in any guise relies upon the violation of property rights. A man without property rights is a slave.
You'll run into trouble when you come and try to dominate me.
My rights are not granted by society, and are not negotiable. My life belongs to me, and I live for my own sake. I do not need your permission to live.
I advocate non-violence, so I'd advise you not to advocate stealing by force."
"Why not elevating the well-being of everybody? Keep in mind that you can easily reduce the gap by making everyone poor. Is that what you want? That has been the history of every socialist experiment so far."
"someone delete this crap please"
"socialism sucks Do not want"
"an easy example why capitalism works and socialism/communism/marxism are total and complete miserable failures.
look at a satellite picture of the korean peninsula at nighttime. the northern half will always be pitch black( wonder why or how that can happen) the southern half is always lit( wonder how and why that can happen).
if you want drones yay socialism/communism/marxism.
if you want unique individuals yay capital/free market syestems."
Well I'm glad to see some of you agree. Socialism does suck! You finally came around to admit, at least, there out there. You simply asked for one, I got you one. I win.
Honestly, though, if you never came to this site and relied on outside sources, this movement is not portrayed exactly as main stream, which by extension, means the "minority" seem to be having a greater impact than the "majority". That's why the movement only enjoys 38% approval rating. Remember 20% of the country is leftist to start, and at least that many can easily be fooled. 99% my ass!
"Finally came round"?
No, this is what the vast majority said all along, drowning out the tiny minority who you call "the loudest voices". That's why when you had to scrape and scrabble for one person who really fit your criteria, you had to go to China.
"Relied on outside sources"?
Sure, if you look at halfwits, liars, and fools outside OWS, you may perhaps find that the loudest voices are screaming halfwitted lies about how OWS is "advocating the destruction or dismantling of our republic, the repudiation or shredding of our constitution". I wouldn't know. I don't hang out with halfwits, liars, and fools.
Don't you know how approval ratings are calculated? You subtract approval from disapproval.
So, for example, you take a poll showing 43% approve, 27% disapprove, and 30% don't know, and you find that OWS has a 16% net approval rating ...
... which is higher than the President, the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, or Congress. It may be surpassed if fluffy little kittens ever get together and form a political movement.
You don't even seem to know know what socialism is.
Site search isn't available and you know it. Google doesn't work very well either but if you google "Demands", I think my proof will be readily available. Besides the moderators tend to delete shit that makes you look bad. I've been on here enough to know that I speak the truth on this matter.
So, not one single quotation. And yet you say that these are the "loudest voices"? Golly, I bet if they got any louder you'd be able to actually ... hear them. And quote one thing that one of them had actually said.
Did you do the search I recommended? You're afraid of what you might find aren't you? The list is far too long for this purpose.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=a2384fb4b1fd8cc6&biw=1024&bih=644
Apparently the list is soooo long that when challenged you can't cite a single item on it. Long lists without a single entry, loud people who are inaudible ... is this Opposite Day?
Just read the search results clown, and then admit I'm right.
I have looked at some of the search results. I also searched for some of the specific things you claimed was being "advocated" by "the loudest voices". And I can't find anything that supports your bizarre fantasies any more than you can.
As for "admitting" that you're right, I asked around and it turns out this isn't Opposite Day.
You missed this one
See my response above.
Yay, you found one Chinese guy who's hostile to America. And he is a "loudest voice" in the movement because ... ?
Reveal yourself Misguided. Come out!
why don't you do some research into the state of our country - its economics and politics - help convince people to become occupiers by using these talking points!
Based on the URL I suspect it may not exactly be laced with main stream thoughts and premises. I despise Bill Ayers, and Van Jones, for they are the polluters of something even more critical than our environment, and that is your minds.
wow i wish i could just look at all urls, just make assumptions, act like it actually means something, then make troll comments - why dont all people do this?
Try no to compare apples to oranges. The Tea Party was grassroots; OWS was organized by ACORN / SEIU. The Tea Party left protest areas cleaner than they originally were; OWS shits on police cars. The Tea Party followed the rules; OWS has a designated zone where women can sleep without fear of being groped. The Tea Party spoke of rational ideas; OWS members fly Anarchist flags and Che shirts.