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Forum Post: My First Rant ...What do you think?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 5:08 p.m. EST by Denofearth (41)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Greetings my fellow 99%ers at Occupy Wall Street and all other occupy locales. As the corporate media wishes to discount our movement as little more than a bunch of directionless whack jobs with too much time on their hands, I would like to offer a few suggestions about what I hope we can accomplish.

1 Our media needs to be held accountable any and every time a pundit spews forth fictional garbage. Yes, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck all have the right to free speech. This in no means equates to freedom to be broadcast. If any of them had to gain a following by standing on a corner espousing their views, I feel certain that they would earn more spit than followers.

2 None of our earliest ( and most prominent ) presidents stopped working or considered politics as a profession. Government for, by, and of the people was supposed to mean that a person felt called to serve their country. Instead we have, presently, a governing body comprised of people more concerned about reelection than doing the will of the people. My proposal would be that no one can serve more than 8 years at the state or federal level. This would at least minimize the potential damage a politician can do.

3 Bankers, Corporations, but especially billionaires. These entities have an inordinate amount of control over the functioning of our economy, and as such their activities need to be strictly regulated. It is high time that we recognize that the economy does NOT belong to them but to us all. The gross national product, in fact, should belong more to those doing the work than those speculating on the work being done. Unconstitutional? I think not. Every day in this country we incarcerate in prisons or mental facilities those who pose a danger to themselves or others. The aforementioned entities now have a long and well established record of being a serious and on going danger to the American working class. Billionaires, on the other hand, require special treatment as they have the ability to single handedly effect change on our economy and for their own selfish reasons have chosen not to. As such I feel they should be tried as traitors, incarcerated, and stripped of their wealth. Through their actions or rather inaction they pose an ongoing and continuous threat to our national security This wealth could then be used for all those infrastructure projects that would put people to work and improve conditions for all Americans. The taxpayers bailed them out, so why not start by sending the little people bonus checks ( made from the divided wealth of billionaires ) because we would spend it and in doing so stimulate the economy.

4 Working class Americans do not get an earned income tax credit for considering having a child. In that same vein it is simply ludicrous to hand out tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy simply because they might decide to employ some people. You want that tax break? than FIRST you have to hire people. Also, if these same entities eliminate jobs through automation, out sourcing, or "restructuring" then they should either find those displaced workers other jobs or lose their tax breaks. Companies that out source should be treated as foreign companies and be hit with every tax, tariff, and fee that we exact on any other foreign business.

Much like in the movie A Bug's Life, since the ants do all the work, they should be allowed to enjoy the fruits of their labors. Our system presently supports way too many worthless slugs who suck at the national teat, yet contribute next to nothing to our nation as a whole, and I'm not talking about welfare recipients. CONservatives and T-Partiers like to lay a lot of blame for our current problems on the least fortunate of our population, while somehow ignoring the governmental subsidies to corporations and big business which equate to many more times the funds allotted for social programs. Are we really to believe that the oil companies will cease discovery and production of petroleum if their efforts are not governmentally funded? 

I have a friend Max from France who makes some very interesting observations regarding OWS movement. First and foremost the LIE that no one can get rich in a socialist country. HUGE steaming piles of crap!!! Of course there are rich people in France, they just have to be more ambitious than American rich folks as to make a million they have to earn a million and a half. Instead of feeling violated the french realize that being well off comes at a price, and paying up is preferable to the alternative Remember that the French once slaughtered their wealthy in genocidal proportions, have remained passionately active in their political process, and don't hesitate to join together in facing down financial oppression.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 13 years ago

It is illegal lying for monetary gain is called fraud. Nobody prosecutes them???

[-] 1 points by sage2012 (30) from Hartselle, AL 13 years ago

front is so large cant be bothered to read it....

[-] 1 points by sage2012 (30) from Hartselle, AL 13 years ago

front is so large cant be bothered to read it....

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

Awesome post. Totally agree.