Forum Post: My Final Post On This Forum
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 11:38 a.m. EST by SirPoeticJustice
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What the world needs right now is LOVE>
It is up to all of us to manifest it from nothing.
Bathe not only in water, but also in LOVE.
Compassion, Empathy, Tough Love, Understanding, Honor, Respect, Decency, Humanity, Courage, TRUTH...
Deep Listening:
Reflect back what you heard the person say, and ask "Did I hear that right?"
Then you speak, they reflect what you have said and ask, "Did I hear that right?"
COMMUNICATE. This means "Be Honest."
Hearing the other and seeking to understand does not mean you have to AGREE.
Hearing the other is NOT a sign of weakness.
It is a sign of strength to hear the other fully and admit when you were wrong.
Admitting you were wrong about one thing does not mean you are admitting you were wrong about everything.
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
I was wrong about this movement. It isn't helping. It is making things worse. This was all planned by the banks to give them more control. The banks want to govern the whole world through monetary policy. Look what happened in Greece. The new prime minister was the vice president of the central bank in europe. He is not even Greek.
The banks are the real culprits. Not the 1%.
If you love me, you will not leave...stay and let your voice be heard...some people are listening.
And if Andrew Jackson had quit??? This movement is committing suicide. Time to #occupy the NYC General Assembly. We. Are. The 99%
really OWS is about a few thousand people but feels so self important that the group ego inflates those few thousand people to 99%.
I have watched, listened, learned and although I feel deeply that this country is in major trouble, the fantasy of all we need is love, everyone is equal since we are all humans and everyone should therefore be equal financially is childish and simply ridiculous.
Pretending that the people that support OWS are awakened, and the rest of the 99% are being fooled or paid by the banks and will appreciate what OWS wants to do to them once it is done to them.
All in the guise of helping those poor misguided peasants. They will come around and join the movement - or continue to be labeled as pawns of the conspiracy.
So easy, take it from the 1% and give it to the people so that we can all just do what inspires us and not have to worry about making a living or paying the bills.
Those are things taken directly from OWS. Those things are things I have seen and read here and at the other locations. Those are things that the local group says.
I don't know how anyone, even someone like me that thinks the nation is really doomed, can back this.
Everything that has happened with the violence and other general mayhem has all been done by plants, infiltrators, provocateurs.
It is no ones fault or responsibility since OWS says it doesn't like violence so that when violence or other mayhem happens, it must be someone elses fault.
If this "movement" were to really succeed in the goals expressed by it's adamant supporters, I would retreat to my 20 acres with a small arsenal and get ready to defend my family against the mob.
Mob rule will only lead to chaos, destruction and death.
not sure if you are replying to me or commenting on the post. The issue is what are the goals of OWS? The NYC GA not clarifying will lead people to believe that it's mob rule. The one thing almost everyone seems to agree with is getting the corrupting influence of money out of politics:
"This is not a question of politics, of right or wrong. This is a question of intelligence. We must be smart. We enjoy popular support, for now. But to preserve America's good will, we must keep our demands narrow: end the corrupting influence of money in politics. That is something a majority of Americans can get behind. That is something a social movement can achieve. And then, and only then, can the other issues be successfully pursued." - theghostofthomassjefferson
This country IS in major trouble, but by no means doomed. To give up and retreat inward is counter productive.
OWS merely points out that it's the failed policies of neoconservatism and neoliberalism of the last 12 years that has led us here. They are both corporatism, and our country has seen this before in the 1890's and again in the 1920's, but our great democracy has still survived!
Not only has OWS woke up, but people in general have. Here in Ohio we repealed a piece of corporatist legislation. In Arizona they recalled the biggest neoconservative in their senate. And in Mississippi they turned down yet anouther corporate distraction issue.
The policies as usual have FAILED the corporatists this year, in an off year election to boot. In Ohio we had the HIGHEST off year turn out in state history.
So, there is hope, vast vast amounts of it. People in general are waking up and the right conversations are being had. Weather it's through OWS, or at home, or in church, town hall,at work, everywhere I go it's the same.
Hope springs eternal, God bless our democracy, God bless America. But Fuck the corporate traitors that put us here.
Can I have your stuff? Oh wait this is not WoW forums.
where to now?
sorry. most americans cannot ever be expected to continue to love those zionist traitor parasites ruling class, that has turned Usa into Israel ...when the mass wake up comes soon
You are a pap smear. Get some education. It will do you so much good. Why do you hate Jews. We actually had some very influential Jews throughout history. They are .2% of the world and gave us ;Abraham, Moses, Freud, Marx, Einstein and Jesus. Surely one or more of those people had a positive effect on you. No? yourself a favor. Look through the whole thread you see any blanket blame on jews by prosemitic? Zilch! so it is YOU, who is asserting to blanket jew as a prosemitic , i say this to you "Spankysmojo - you are being downright antisemitic !! "
That was a response to "zionist traitor parasites". Did you forget what you wrote?
what is it you dont understand about "zionist traitor parasites" vs plain good ole' jews. Are you saying all jews are zionist traitor are being antisemitic here i have to caution you
No. I am saying Jews should have the same self-determination rights as everyone in their homeland is paramount. Anyone who doesn't see that is blinded by the notion that Jews aren't allowed to defend themselves. The reason there is an Israel is because after the Jews were thrown out, they were systematically murdered EVERYWHERE else. No need for caution...I'm good.
"That was a response to "zionist traitor parasites". Did you forget what you wrote? " You said this. I think you have a bad amnesia. And now you froth about 3000 year old victim story and bundling all jews are like you...i caution you again you are showing antisemitism tendencies on this board,and the moderator can and will take action if I complain
I am a Jew. So your twist is irrational. Look two posts up. You did in fact say that. Stop the cautions. You aren't my dad. The world bundles Jews, not me. What is your point? AIPAC supports Israel. Israel is the homeland of the Jews. 1 + 1 = 2. If you don't understand that Israel needs an edge against 100,000,000 hating Arabs and billions of antisemites then you are beyond reason. I do not agree with AIPAC or anyone else 100% of the time. As for 3000 years. Do some math, how long ago was 1945? See I knew you'd get it eventually.
you are ancient...*as in stale . Get a clue, accept one cares what a zionist thinks about himself. OWS should just expose the evil lobbyist aipac that has commited illegal special sexual relationship that has spawned an evil that has sucked Usa, and making normal non-zionist jews and americans in general suffer. It is not wroing for OWs to name the parasites,
It is not wrong for anyone to name parasites. OWS doesn't own that right. You call it old and stale because you are revamping the same old, stale antisemitism. It is old. Again a sexual reference. I wonder what your story really is. So you think the Jews an AIPAC have sucked all the money out of the US and the world. I see. What did they do with the money? They could have taken the 14 trillion they stole from America and bought Iran. You need a sexual relationship in order to stop equating everything under the sun with sex.
"It is not wrong for anyone to name parasites' .Thank you for agreeing. Yes.OWS must name Aipac as the major source of hijacking Usa and it's policy...behind the backs of 99%, Incidentally, the inapproriately Zionist control of Wall street and Msm and Porno also is something like a parasite that must be named. That's about it, no need to get heated up...ypu already agreed
I am not heated up. Quite cool in fact. Your name 'prosemitic' is reminiscent of 'notani**erhater'. Why would your name have to be the antithesis of everything you say. Then you go and prove your anisemitism by stating that Zionists control pornography and OWS and the US. What else, perhaps the weather? Listen instigator, you cannot win after admitting your uneducated stature here. You're falling apart with every response. You should have quit while you're ahead...oh you never were.
Most Americans don't care about this upper class war.
Dont care, good for you, and this was the very reason they managed to turn Usa into Israel so easily. Hope you will still wake up , though late
This entire movement is an upper class war, intent on enlisting the masses as intoxicated.
sorry, i dont know where you are leading,but you better start caring before they lead you to more intoxication
This is a highly organized upper class war... that's where I'm leading.
Care and name them!!. As an example- Aipac,( with their slick wall street money tricks and brain-juice sucking from zollywood, and daily msm tv pill presciptions has long achieved turning Uncle Sam into Uncle Scam since long ago. Anyone blowing the whistle get his head blown off like Kennedy. I OWS afraid to name the parasites?Dont worry, it is not antisemitic to name the scums...Just dont blanket blame all Arabs or Jews for any mess- only that is antisemitic
Buddy, you gotta get a grip here... really. The Middle East is going to be the central point in our next world war. The US and its citizens have been preparing for this since the 70s. Now you're either with us or you're not. But we're not down with all this anti-zionist crap; we're beyond the point of caring.
yee haa..more war s comin...more american blood to be spilled for israel...yee haa
Yea haa is exactly right. Look around... we've got our kids all primed; they're worked out to the max and pumped full of testosterone. This ain't no accident - it's evolution speaking to us to say we're a population under stress. I think we're ready.
bet you or your child not one of 'em. pathetic scumballs fools just cheer on violence...expected and not surprised at your response,yeah, evn hell wouldnt be able to burn you....yee hah
I understand, take your pills, you are shivering. And many knows already that zionist usually dont engage when they are in such situations...they play tantrums.And the wake up alarm nears... riiiiiiiiiingggggg
I'm sorry but i cannot possibly love my enemy, because my enemy is the system, this system that has been murdering millions and millions of people around the world for centuries, this system exploiting you and me and our environment relentlessly and mercilessly for profit. I hate my enemy- this capitalist system and all its institutions.
I admit I was wrong.
You lie.
Unity in the perception of the meaning of love to humanity requires perseverance. Love must serve life. Love needs truth. Truth requires courage and love can bring it, if unity is allowed to manifest because humanity knows that love protects life.----
Courage in the face of adverse social structures imposed by dark confusion needs time to dispel the nonsense and let love rule. Patience through understanding brings truth, but patience needs time to understand. In the light of truth, this movement will be remade with the power inherent in the US constitution and the natural law of article 5 which puts democratic control over the federal government, ending the bizarre theatre you describe.--
If we understand this and have patience, the true strategy that will protect life will emerge and vindicate the human need that creates the vulnerability you react to.
Looks like the weed guy showed up.
I am not sure about this planned by the banks but ; The rest of what you say is so right on. I am sorry to see you go. Intelligent dialogue without hate and curses. That is what we need. You are going out with a bang. I respect that. Carry on my wayward son.
We are coming to get US
We will be at our doorsteps and in our bedrooms!
We are the self hating hate haters!
We march in lockstep against marching in Lockstep!
We rally to organize against organized organizations!
We are the body, the corps, who hate and will destroy the corporations!
We are fucked! By our selves!
Wrong about what?