Forum Post: My fellow Americans,
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 10:53 p.m. EST by pyrros
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
My fellow Americans,
The melody of liberty, as exquisite as it may be, has been proven to be of the most tenacious and enduring sounds in the history of mankind, one that is often both heralded and succeeded by the grating clash of swords and the fiery roar of cannon. But no matter what noises may constitute the exposition and finale, the mellifluous message of the refrain has always been the same: that liberty and righteousness will flourish only when the government is an accurate and proper representation of the people and the interests of the people. Some of the most ingenious voices of mankind have sung this lilting chorus; our founding fathers were of this august group, and indeed, they used this selfsame strain as the scaffold, the cornerstone, upon which all laws and qualifications of our wonderful republic were affixed and thus stabilized. Because of this holy foundation upon which our country was built and the ingenuity of its architects, America has not yet suffered the fate of tyranny and fragmentation that befell Greece and Rome, but has instead endured: a bastion of light, an inspiration to many, and a beacon for other nations on the road to the very values that its kindlers sought to sanctify.
And yet the flame now wavers, its lifeline tainted by the impurities of avarice and frayed by the neglects of mismanagement. Our economic leaders, whose duty it is to provide the material sustenance for this flame, and our elected politicians, who were anointed by this brilliant torch and are thus indebted to guard it with their very lives, have either failed in their vigilance or have consecrated their selfish needs above those of the populace, provoking the malodorous haze of socioeconomic crisis that hangs over us at this very moment. We have been left to grope for light in this smothering smoke, and one by one, and finally as one, have risen up to declare our righteous indignation at the situation. And let our voices be heard! They will perceive us, united, as the sound of heavenly thunder before the storm, and they will tremble. But as to this, we must cast our petty grievances aside. Democrat, republican, conservative, liberal, what does it matter? Are we not all American? Do we not all want the best for our friends, our families, and our country? This is not the time for internecine spats; we will stand united, on our feet, or we will suffer, separated and isolated, on our knees. The ideals of what are just and beneficial to the people and the individual have been lost in the puerile clashes of party against party and the insipid arguments of not what is right, but who is right. This must end now. Discrete, we shall be divided and conquered, but together we shall stand as a monolithic, impenetrable, and insurmountable force.
Let us strike, not at the symptom, but at the cause. As with an effluent and venomous spring, our problems will only be eradicated with the consummate and punctilious obstruction of the source. Shall we dam the rushing waters at a position other than the provenance, we seek to place ourselves in the hands of ponderous inevitability, for our problems will then slowly rise as if fed by an ill-boding torrent until finally the reservoir is ruptured and the walls breached, flooding the land with destruction and bedlam. Should that calamity take place, we will not recover. And thus, the facades of banks and monetary institutions may symbolize the venal nature of the system, but they are only those – facades and symbols. Banks, like other corporations, seek money as their sole desire and thus have no intentions of changing without the urging of official force. Certain agencies may seem to be the arm of the oppressors, but they are not – they are staffed with men and women akin to us, who must do what they do to ensure the independence of their families. Let us not waste our voices against these deaf ears! We will, instead, hold up to account those who are obliged in their duty to the people and have failed: the leaders of the government, who threw out the seeds of promises by the handful and afterwards apathetically let them rot. Because of them, our children lack educational necessities; because of them, our factories lie idle and our workforce dwindled. Brothers and sisters, let us not forget that they are the cause, the planters of the insidious vine that is poised to strangle the nation, and thus they and they alone must be the ones to prevent its growth and ultimately extract it from our precious soil. Let us not forget that we, the people, hold the inalienable power in this glorious republic, a power that like the earth and air is an elemental constituent of the land itself. And let us never forget that we, like our forebears, will prevail! We will never rest until the necessary change is to be had. Unite, the revolution is now!
the melody of liberty....HOPE Humans On Planet Earth chilled