Forum Post: My College Lost Its Right To Assemble!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 11:57 a.m. EST by BonaFidePublius
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The college i attend just passed a law restricting assembling at the Quad/ main outside gathering area. In shorter, as of 11/1/11, in order to use the space, groups must apply 2 weeks before the planned event, can only plan 1 every 2 weeks, are restricted to enhanced noise making devices, and groups MUST have a business permit. Thoughts?
Try to gather support for a total tuition boycott until they reverse their policy. An idea anyway.
Yeah. Im working on a fb group to occupy. Thats the next step. Colleges need too start occupying, and our generation needs to wake up to reality.
Damn right - soon it will simply be too late! Our survival as a species is on the line now! Forget about that dream of a lucrative career. If we don't turn this system around, we'll just be scratching for potatoes in a few more years, education or no education! Meanwhile their driving you into debt for nothing!
Go ahead and don't pay tuition. You will have to leave school, but go ahead and don't pay tuition if you don't want to.
If school can't lead to a career, because their aren't any, you would be better educated and better off to self-educate and join a picket line. So just get everybody to stop paying tuition. All it does is provide a mediocre lecture from a mediocre professor, who is him/herself so disillusioned they don't give a crap anymore anyway. So take up your courage and get a real life for yourself. In the future you will be glad you did. Go back to a university when an if it puts education somewhere at least in the bottom 10% of it's agenda again.
Most American Universities are now nothing but a bloated, innept and useless administration at this point anyway, or a puppet for industry that makes private profit from publically funded research and then sens all the jobs to China. Get it? The Jig is up! Fught back or go under!
What are you paying them for?
Occupy the school. Maybe they will go ahead and end your misery and expel you.
No one lost their right to assemble.It's just that after some people abused the rules that were in place, new rules had to be written to maintain a semblance of order. That wasn't very hard to figure out at all.
haha what? is a public school public if we cant actually be on the property without written consent? No one here even has heard of OWS, nor has any issue with the quad sprung up in my schools 140 year history. Shifting reality into your own pre conceived ideals doesn't change what is.
Is a public women's restroom public if I can't actually be in the bathroom?
You moron.
Last time I checked, no major movements were started in restrooms except bawl movements. Maybe you dont get it, or maybe you assume you hold true knowledge, but conforming to the cardinal vices only leads to imminent destruction. We, as a people, have lost all sense of direction, and your on here attempting to make utter chaos seem alright. Ignorance to the big picture, and dreams reflecting that of a few, will be the death of us if we dont do something.
It is just that your thought that you can go and occupy any public space is so baseless.
It is also like your thought to believe that you cannot. But whether or not occupying a public space or not, you can not truely believe that humanity is benefiting from the system in place. And if you do, I suggest you go to any third world country. What we do and implement in America directly affects everyone. Surely you cannot deny that? Is it really acceptable to live like slavish pigs, whether apart of the 1% or not, and completely discredit humanity? If we are going to embrace globalism, we better embrace the responsibilities that comes along with it.
Are you ready to give up your carbon footprint created by your access to the internet?
Sure. except your avoiding my statement. Sooooo your validity in really any concept of a solution really only pertains to your greedy self. Just lettin ya know, no amount of money or power (if you even have power) will satisfy you. But dont take my word for it, and im sure if you keep pursuing it you may find something else... HA