Forum Post: My 99 Percent Belief
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 11:07 a.m. EST by truepatriot1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Kevin Palmer To: "" Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 12:34 PM Subject: My 99 Percent Belief
To: Occupy/Augusta,
The 99 percent who occupy the lower tier are the true patriots. We fundamentally believe in the United States of America. We hold to the principles of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence.
We believe in and cherish the words, We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, and insure domestic tranquility. We exist and are in solidarity today because the union is far from perfect. It is far from perfect because the malignancy of corporate greed has metastasized to the point where justice and domestic tranquility have been compromised.
We believe in the Bill of Rights. All over this great country we are exercising our right of freedom of speech and to peaceably assemble.
Furthermore, we, the 99 percent believe in the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence. We believe that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Unfortunately, the rich one percent don't believe in these same truths.
The rich one percent believe that the lower 99 percent should sacrifice their life to ensure the rich have the liberty to pursue what makes them happy. Also, the rich one percent believe the Government exists to support their selfish aspirations. That is why they hire multitudes of Wall Street lobbyist to influence unscrupulous politicians to vote and make policies in their favor. For this reason, billions of dollars were channeled to corporations and not to victimized homeowners and private citizens whose pensions were plundered.
The one percent get richer and the 99 percent become hungry and unemployed. Today, the organization Feeding America is providing food to 37 million Americans, including 14 million children. That means 1 in 8 Americans now rely on Feeding America for food. The true unemployment rate is between 15 to 20 percent.
This is happening because the rich one percent build bigger storehouses for themselves and forget about the 99 percent whose efforts helped them to prosper. The rich one percent have forgotten about their Creator. They do not remember it is their Creator who gives them the ability to produce wealth. The rich one percent worship the trinity of Gold, Stocks, and the Dow Jones. That is what brings us here today. That is why we are up against the wall. That is why we must be courageous and occupy.
Kevin Palmer
We don't begrudge the 1%, but it's how they got it, i.e. the Waltons who pay their employees minimum wages without insurance and benefits and sell their inferior products to a public that can't afford any better because they work for companies like Walmart. So their greed allows them to top the list of America's richest.