Forum Post: MUST WATCH -- Astonishing Video -- European BILLIONAIRE EXPOSES the destruction of the USA in 1994 !!! -- He BEGGED America not to approve the GATT treaty and the congress voted for it anyway. !!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 6:53 a.m. EST by reddy2
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European Billionaire Sir James Goldsmith in 1994 thoroughly predicted the economic plight America and the world now suffers under as a result of NAFTA and GATT.
He BEGGED America not to approve the treaties.
He explains the perils of the so-called "free-trade" agreements of NAFTA and more importantly GATT, and how under the guise of free-trade our economy will be de-industrialized and moved overseas wherever the cheapest labor can be found, everything he predicted has now come true
Look no further, this is the reason the American economy is dead and why it will only continue to get worse.
Charlie Rose interview November 15 1994.
Re-posted from this thread:
Great interview,Sir James Goldsmith looks like he wants to reach over the table and choke Charlie Rose. Passion for truth!
This reminds me of the former presidential candidate Ross Perot's words, who said NAFTA would produce a huge "sucking sound" while it sucked the jobs out of this country. They are not done with these job export plans...just last week the Senate approved what I call SAFTA. See the link below. Somehow they continue to think trade agreements are to our benefit. I smell a lobbyist somewhere!
Sir James Goldsmith was right! Good Post