Forum Post: Music anyone. World View and Sister Liberty
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 3:52 p.m. EST by americanhuli
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"There is no honor in hurting unarmed civilians"
Marine Sgt. Shamar Thomas - "There is no honor in hurting unarmed civilians" Occupy NY
Our family has served our people and country for more than 100 years. I can't believe we are still fighting for and protesting shit like this. STOP THE BLEEDING.
Tell you all what. The Real 1% are families like ours fighting and dying one at a time to protect our liberty and freedoms and the 99% now in the streets all over the world doing the same
We are all fighting and dying for Freedom of Speech and more. Not to have our Police Arrest US and Our Politicians Ignore Us. WE ARE THE WORLD PEOPLE UNITED VERY SOON. Our Governments are Killing our own people, our people are killing our own people... GET IT!
The Messages of "OCCUPY" seem real clear about as clear as the images of people getting a beating for LIBERTY,,,, WHY FIGHT.... All hands on deck. Liberty call has been canceled . Commence Ships Work! Vet's getting arrested... That is bullshit too!
Military and Civilians. STAND AS ONE AMERICAN. The Cops will follow...
If you say you support our Troops.... SHOW IT NOW and what they really fight for. Not BS Wars.. The American Way Of life and Liberty for ALL PEOPLE all over the world.
November 11,Veterans Day All Vet's and Active Military All Non Essential Personnel Stand Down and Stand Up for All Americans right here in AMERICA! We can Also Stand Up For Rights around the world for all people. We need us together not divided.
Lynn Noel USN 73-77 GITMO Cuba and USS Orion AS-18 (Charleston, SC.)
Sister Liberty and World View from my Odd Dog Friends n ME! Dave Schumann at ZuzaxTrax- Randy (mandolin player for Odd Dog)
BIG MEDIA RESPOND...... FOX NEWS.. Crap!! Bill O'Reilly on Sex, Drugs at Occupy Wall Street ( WHAT AN ASS. FOX TOO!) if you watch the real news on the street or in the video's above. these are not people smoking pot,having sex...
How's that working for ya Bill?