Forum Post: The 'Holy' Trinity explained through lil wayne song, hahahaahha
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 8:08 p.m. EST by ete23
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I do me, no I do three, At a T-I-M-E, why when we say we young mula, The B**es leave ya'll and relay run to us,
Nothingness. Existence. Eternity
wayne, no ceilings mixtape, 'watch my shoes', buy it, steal it
oh wait it free at Datpiff
you now have freedom
Chemistry with Charisma
"Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you." -Dr. Seuss
--Rid the Human Conscious of Religious Beliefs--
What do call a situation when a 300 pound man attacks an eighty year old woman and the woman has a gun? - a level playing field.
"I couldnt execute someone myself"....ok I'll do it for you. Give me a call the next time the state calls you up to "flip the switch". I'll cover your shift.
"Heaven is no more than a carrot on a string at the end of a tunnel; Hell is no more than a gunbarrel at the back of your head. When we are good people for the sake of being good people, we'll have no further use for religion".
some random atheists quote
Yeah. Lil Wayne. A great American philosopher. Go away wigger.