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Forum Post: Multiple (Complementary) Currencies

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 12:59 p.m. EST by MrMiller (128) from Sandy, UT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I recently visited a website that advocates for just the thing that I have wanted to do for quite some time, and that is to create multiple currencies that help the flow of services and goods within our own country. Let's face it. We are a very complex nation and we require a great deal of cooperation from each other to survive. The problem is that we often cannot coordinate this without the sole underlying mediation of money. We simply lost the ability to do things otherwise after our world got too complex. In the interest of national and state interests, I think it is crucial and well within our ability to create new institutions that regulate and channel the production capacities of the average American citizen. We already accept banks as regulators of money flow, so why not create new modernized national banks that work only in our national interests, not to be manipulated by outside sources? I think we lose out on a great many opportunities and miss out on a great chance at freedom, productivity and social stability by not having a greater mechanism for this end goal. If you think about it, we should not be limited by the influx of goods to our country, but instead use them solely as complementary additions to what happens within the confines of our own supposedly sovereign nation - separate the inputs from what happens in our border. For those that long for the days of the federal reserve to come to an end, I say that you have perhaps a misplaced, but nevertheless virtuous goal. The problem is that the federal reserve, as well as the banks, decide far too many things in this nation, but the root of the problem is the one thing common to them all, and that is the dollar, which exists as one currency for all of our nation's interests. This creates problems, since the fluctuations of the dollar also reek havoc on the social fabric of our nation. We cannot let the dollar determine the outcomes of social stability and progress. By simply investing the dollar in certain areas of the country, it has unimagined consequences to the way society organizes itself and operates. It has many ripple effects. I would love to see a day when this no longer is such an issue. So, as the sole goal of the Occupy Wall Street movement, I propose the creation of new currencies that operate in tandem with the national currency. Let this be our democratic rally cry.



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