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Forum Post: Muddled in America

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 9:24 p.m. EST by dafremen (15)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

In this country, our educational system goes out of its way to make people anal about avoiding mistakes. The result is that our society is filled with people who are DEATHLY afraid of being wrong. Our humor is often based around others making mistakes or errors in judgment. And finally, and most to the point of this writing, there is a tendency to STUBBORNLY adhere to even FALSE beliefs, arguing, fighting..even killing..just to avoid hearing the three words: "You were wrong." It's as though we could convince, cajole, coerce or destroy anyone whose opinion differs from our own, and instantly declare ourselves CORRECT...even if we're not.

Some will dig their heels in and actually fight for the very people who are robbing them of their retirement savings, crashed their 401k and have steadily lowered their earnings, etc, etc.

But they don't see that. Some of them are so caught up in this way of thinking, that they actually believe people want change..because they are "jealous losers." But this isn't about who is right and who is wrong. This is about the survival of the American way. It is dying or dead and no one is doing anything about it. There is NO DOUBT in ANYONE'S mind that something is wrong with our political system. Conservatives and Liberals alike are constantly talking about "picking the lesser of two evils" around elections time.

This isn't about conservative ideologies being wrong. It isn't about liberal ideologies being right. It's about the system that is currently in place being ineffective, unresponsive and neglectful of the needs of the vast majority of its citizens.

This MISTAKE PHOBIA which we're taught from our already conditioned parents..and the educational system, doesn't stop defending the status quo there, oh no. Here's something you might have seen on T.V. lately:

"The protesters have no coherent demands." "The protesters have no clear direction." "The protesters' message seems muddled and vague."

Why so much insistence that the protesters come up with a list of specific demands? Because division between us will mount as specifics are added. The Occupy movements are fueled by a general feeling of discontent. Each individual has their OWN idea about what is causing this breakdown in our society.

If we start trying to nail down bullet points and demands, the division goes from being between the WORKING CLASS and the WEALTHY, to being between the WORKING CLASS WHO WANT ONE DEMAND and the WORKING CLASS WHO WANT A DIFFERENT DEMAND. And then everyone will start fighting to avoid being WRONG. It's a real mess. And it all starts with an education. We did it for the children.

The second nipple in the wind, is the Democratic Party and the Labor Movement which serve to act as release valves, keeping the system in place while giving the Revolution a place to blow off its steam until it believes that it has accomplished its goal of change.

And, right on cue, the Democrats are trying to align themselves with the movement. They will dilute the movement if given the opportunity, they will take its reigns if at all possible.

Think about what the Democrats are fighting for:

Your right to be a well treated robot in a factory somewhere that produces crap for you to buy which makes someone else wealthy and prosperous. In other words, one of the main differences between Democratic values and Republican values is that Democrats want to feed, water and groom the horses after working the farm. Republicans want to work the horses until they die, then replace them with new horses. Note that pro-education Democrats are ALLLL about providing a new crop of qualified livestock for the factories.

THIS is the vision of our so-called leaders. To put blinders on their people and make them dependent upon the SYSTEM for all of their basic needs..and their more complex ones. To make them afraid to keep them from trusting one another. To take from each generation more freedom in the name of "security", while providing nothing even remotely resembling security. To break our backs and leave us to die. Or to break or backs and nurse us back to health free of charge. so that we can go and break our backs some more. To stuff their pockets and claim we didn't and can't because we didn't work hard enough..all of this while their workers slave away in their factories for peanuts. To use us like chattel and toss us like garbage and shear us like sheep and clip our wings and cage us.

I have a specific demand: I want them gone. All of them. Gone, now. Forever.

And finally, a parting question for those who keep insisting that a clear cut direction is what gives legitimacy to a cause:

What direction is the current economic, political and social system taking us in? What is the clear list of bullet points which our leaders have for the direction they are taking this country in? And after 150+ years in power, when do we arrive at wherever the hell they think they are taking us?

Keep it up, never stop. This is yours, it always has been. Take it..now!



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[-] 1 points by dafremen (15) 13 years ago

As if to prove the point, I read a thread here where people are bickering with each other over who are the better protesters, Egyptians or Americans. Really people? WE can't hold it together without squabbling over even LITTLE things? Really? We can..and we need to. This isn't a football game. This is the future of ourselves, our children and every future American to come. Can we take it a little more seriously please? I've been waiting 40 years for this revolution..let's not blow it.Thanks.