Forum Post: MSM exploring people being "radicalized" = how does this happen - why does this happen?
Posted 10 years ago on Feb. 26, 2015, 7:29 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
How stupid are "they" or How Stupid do "they" think the public is?
People become radicalized as society fails them.
It's "THAT" SIMPLE !!!
Yet we have MSM having all kinds of hair pulling in (seeming) bewildered failure to understand sessions on the air.
ISIS/ISIL and other extremist groups get recruits from the middle class as well as from the poor - exactly because society has failed.
More rational groups will be peaceful in their attempts to make proper change to the societies in which they live.
VIOLENT EXTREMIST'S ??? They are of all nationalities - they are of all religions - they are of all ethnicity's - they are of all countries in origin.
"THEY" have given up and decided that they will only get their way through violence = unrestrained violence on any and all targets that are not of them self.
There are multitudes of people who are being abused by the societies in which they live. Ample feeding grounds for terrorist organizations to recruit from.
This is ALL very basic stuff !!!!
Yet it is portrayed as a mystery - rather than a situation of failing societies.
You make an good point that should be all too obvious
To me the emergence of radical groups engaging in violence should be a signal for the 1%. If the 1% has a lick of sense, the 1% should heed to the signal.
oppression is not enforceable without violence
the1% understand this
Tit for tat. Its only a matter of time before one's actions turn around to haunt the one.
One would think that this would happen ALL OF THE TIME - but it doesn't. It is so strange - those most deserving of a violent nasty death - do not experience it.
Why is that?
It boggles my mind!
To wonder why - the worlds absolute worst - the worlds all time overachievers of creating misery and death for others - do not experience highly violent deaths - as just a normal course of events.
It really mystifies me.
Its really pretty simple. Those evil entities who create misery and death for good people are psychos. Good people are not psycho and thus would never dream of doing misery and death to others. So the evil entities get away with it.
But I find its only a matter of time before the psychos do it to another psycho. Then they'll get what they deserve.
[EDIT] Well. . . . . except for the seeming abundance of those who are willing to be human suicide bombs.
They set themselves off in public venues killing innocents.
Why do these - willing - suicide bombs - not target the assholes of the world? Those in government and those in business.
Why are the instigators of wide spread public abuse - NOT - targeted?
EDIT-> Seriously - who makes a louder statement (to end the abuse of the masses)? The death of a couple of dozen innocents? OR CEO's and Board of Directors and/or politicians?
Good questions.
Perhaps - but - really - why target the innocent - the innocent who have no power - who have no sway - instead of going after those who do have all of the power and all of the sway? It is insanity - that - we do not see a daily culling of those who are in power.
And yet the insane assholes of the 1% - make sure to provide arms and training to these groups - as long as they are in someone Else's country.
Not to worry, its just a matter of time before the crap starts hitting here in the U.S.A. In many ways it already is. Just wait 'till somebody starts knocking off some of the 1%; just a matter of time.
As predicted by one of "their"own = TED Talk - the pitchforks are coming.
They have got to realize this. Somewhere deep inside their greed infested guts - they just gotta know.
no violence
Unfortunately, that is a decision for the 1%, and not us.
it is our decision
that's why I left the DOD
Good for you. But somebody is going to do it. Its just a matter of time. When pushed enough, and pissed off enough, counter-violence is the reaction. The only way for it to stop is when the perpetrators of the original violence stops; and the orginal perpetrators are the 1%.
we can not be defeated by predictions of doom
violence is just physics turn up to 11
I'm not into violence anymore than you. That is why I would like the 1% to stop their violent aggressions on the American people, and the people of other nations across the world.
if only they had no weapons
Good post DKA. Backlash happens.
Hey N1 - Thank you very much = "Good post"
It is pretty simple - isn't it?
Smash me in the knee cap with a baseball bat and I will want to come after you with all that I have.
It "is" rational.
What really bothers me - IS - those who would overlook this rationality. This truism of life.
people become radicalized when the US airstrikes them
Yes they do. They can also be made open to be radicalized - by government (s) just treating them like trash.