Forum Post: Mrdicare premiums are $1100/month per patient or $2200 for a couple
Posted 12 years ago on March 28, 2012, 10:49 p.m. EST by aflockofdoofi
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Is that the public option you want?
2010 premiums averaged $143 per month per person, actually collected.
$1085 edit $936 per month per person benefits received.
Government paid the shortfall of $942 edit $793 per month per person.
The real cost is $1100 month. If everyone gets it, hats the real premium
The approximately 145 million workers each paid roughly $300 per month to pay the medicare shortfall. Assuming all of the beneficiaries are retired.
But a public option will cover everyone.
Total health care is around $2.5 trillion a year, $630 per person per month, or $1435 per working person. Figures are very rough. No matter how it is paid, public, private, it's a huge cost. How it is paid is not the solution, cutting costs is, without cutting quality of care. And with the current rate of increase in costs, there seems to be no solution.
Where did you see that medicare premiums are 1100$?
The budget for MC is $509 billion for 47 million enrollees.
Do you have a link?
House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., who watched Obama’s speech from a front-row seat, says the proposal would give seniors more choices, impose the discipline of free markets on health-care costs, and produce a long-term solution for a budget dilemma that threatens to spiral out of control. Medicare expenditures totaled about $509 billion in 2010 — nearly one-fourth of all health-care spending — and are projected to rise to $929 billion in 2020.
Ryan is full of shit.
Those arent Ryans stats. I just did a cut and paste. The stats are real.
Then where did you cut and past from?
Thanks but I'll take the official U.S. government medecare sites word over Ryans or USA todays. And besides their is an easy way to fix any gaps that the may be in the system by lifting the 106,000 cap on who pays.
With a single payer plan we could have medical insurance for 50 to 60 dollars a month.
That wouldn't come close to paying for health care. Most people pay that much just to insure a car. Our bodies are much more expensive to repair. Total health care is around $2.5 trillion a year, $630 per person per month, or $1435 per working person. Based on 330 million US population and 145 million working.
bodies are self regulating
the expense for health care exceeds the labor requirements and materials
Of course no one wants that. Everyone wants "free" health care.