Forum Post: Mr Obama, "TEAR DOWN THIS WALL"
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 3:47 a.m. EST by 1971
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If we could travel back in time to 1776 in New York City, we would
witness almost five hundred deaths and thousands of wounded colonial
Americans. In the late summer and fall of that year those brave patriots
revolted against the ruling govt. Our American ancestors rejected the
rule by a govt that did not represent the people.
Ironically today the same injustice has reconstituted itself. This time it is modern renaissance patriots who are protesting a govt that imposes itself on the American people, without representing them!
Remember "no taxation, without representation"? Shamefully, once again it can serve Americans as a rallying cry.
The American people are tired of elected officials who pander for money.The principles of our constitution are undermined. The common good of the majority is ignored, and only the wishes of the very rich are respected.Money has purchased the govt, depriving the American majority of legitimate representation.
Where are our leaders on Capitol (s)hill in Washington D.C.(District of
Corruption)? The fact that not one of them has come to stand with the
OWS protesters proves where their loyalty lies. Definitely not with the People. They can't fix the problem, they are the problem! Do they represent the majority of citizens or the traitors on Wall st?
"WALL ST, too big to fail, too big to jail". "Mr Obama,
TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!" don't be another brick in the Wall.
Stand up and tell Wall st, "Ich bin ein American" Get down to Liberty
square and support our OWS patriots or reveal yourself as just another false hope. Either we have officials who are with the people or against the people.Corporate cronies or advocates for the common good. You promise change and yet deliver us the status quo of a failed establishment.
Politicians, listen to the voice of the people, we want our Democracy back, not this Hypocracy! We sure as hell don't want some New world order Globalization, where the masses are trivialized under the evil dominion of a few elites. Building a world of overlords who preside over the masses, persecuting any individual who thinks outside the collectivism. Ruled by a few foolish "deciders" who plot humanity's fate. Stop trying to turn our America into your Amerika.
WE THE PEOPLE, are tired of this artificial, corporate designed dystopia.
As someone else remarked, Toto has once again pulled the curtain back and exposed the wizard to be a fake. This time the wizards are the
corporate owned propagandist media and our very own U.S. govt, corporations, wall st, bankers and an assortment of other ruling class parlor tricksters.
MONEY MUST GET OUT OF POLITICS! TEAR DOWN THIS WALL! Until that happens it's checkmate and the 99% have no chance. There are equally worthy causes, but no other cause will restore power back to the people.
Youtube video President Obama Presents American Jobs Act (Sept 8, 2011)
I feel ya .I know times are hard Obama has done the foot work .It up to Congress now to lift us up of hang us so to speak . We shouldnt complain to the President he has a plan its Congresses fault .Please tell them to give us living wages .I am 33 a live with my mom and dad and have to compete with children for jobs that pay $7.25 an hour we keep going this way a degree will mean nothing . Millions of men are in my same shoes.
No he didn't. He should have asked the rich to pay 90% and clear off our country's debt. He is a thoughtless, characterless democratic president as I know. I don't know any good democrat presidents since FDR who can steer the country away from doomed path.