Forum Post: Moving forward with organization
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 12:58 p.m. EST by aisom
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This needs to happen eventually. You will need to occupy congress. Call it the Occupant Party. Set up a web site that allows registered occupants to direct the Occupant Party candidates, and hold them accountable once in office. Perhaps the Occupant can post upcoming conressional votes to OWS and it's members can vote, the representative can then cast his/her congressional ballot accordingly. This ensures the people have a persistant voice in congress, not just a representative. Just food for thought. At some point the legislative process needs to change. Eventually this movement must evolve and grow. You can't steer a car by shouting at it and sitting in the road. You've got to take the wheel.