Forum Post: MoveOn, please MOVE ON...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 1:32 p.m. EST by Student
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We are not Obama's reelection campaign. You are not part of our movement, in fact we want you to "Move On" from our movement.
We realize you are trying to hijack us but we are the 99% and we have learned our lesson from past mistakes.
VERY well put!
MoveOn must move on... and Obama must disappear in the sunset ASAP.
We have no more time for your LIES and BETRAYALS.
Thank you for posting this.
I can't believe we still have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
THEY SENT ME EMAILS every day during the election season telling me to rally and support Obama..
Obama is too busy raising 45 million dollars for his re-election. He is a DEADEND candidate, a butler for Tim Geithner and the Goldman Sachs, Financial Fraudster brigade. Think MoveOn wants to stop being a PAC? NO
Uhhhh, I see them as another corporation. They lead people to conduct emotional reasoning, and will not be accountable for any reasoning themselves, emotional or otherwise. They do not seem to support the constitution either.