Forum Post: Movement must be along right track
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 12:52 a.m. EST by bantu80
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The unfolding scenario bears tremendous significance. An objective condition has been created for fast growth and development of class and mass struggles against ruling capitalism-imperialism. In other words, objective situation for building up anti-capitalist revolutionary movement is quite ripe. But at the same time, it is true that revolutionary transformation does not take place spontaneously. Subjective condition for revolution has to mature for that. As historically poised vanguard of anti-capitalist revolution, working class needs to give rise to revolutionary consciousness and found a genuine revolutionary party of its own through conduction of a definite all-embracing struggle. Then the working class must infuse this revolutionary consciousness among the toiling masses by taking the party to them. This is the historic task of the working masses of the countries now in ferment today. They must take up this challenge in right earnest to take their movement to its logical culmination. We sincerely hope that inspired by the illumining thoughts and proper guidance of the noble ideology of Marxism-Leninism, the toiling people of these countries will take their struggle for emancipation forward. For more Details-