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Forum Post: Move US jobs to other nations with a lower standard of living...

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 10, 2012, 9:31 p.m. EST by opensociety4us (914) from Norwalk, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

There are some very sophisticated economic theories and folks with impressive degrees from top schools who have determined that by taking an immediate hit of US job loss and moving those jobs to another nation with a lower standard of living we will create more jobs here in the US. Yes, you read correctly, the US will get back more jobs in return!

Although, it will take some time for these jobs in greater numbers to return to the US because eliminating the jobs here is a quicker and easier process than what needs to transpire for those jobs in greater numbers to return. Therefore, we must be patient.

What needs to transpire for those jobs to return is explained by those folks with impressive degrees from top schools in numerous lengthy papers containing long and complicated equations and numbers and words and phrases that the average person doesn't understand. But don’t worry, there is a lot of money spent on developing those papers and as I mentioned above they're produced by some folks with impressive degrees from top schools.

And guess what! The numbers are in and the theory is starting to work!



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[-] 1 points by philosophersstoned (233) from Gypsum, CO 13 years ago

It's very simple. What needs to "transpire" for these jobs to return is to lower wage and labor standards in the US to compete in the free market with third-world banana republics. As the OP correctly states, it is starting to work. NY Times: US Manufacturing Gains Jobs As Wages Retreat http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/30/business/us-manufacturing-gains-jobs-as-wages-retreat.html?partner=rss%20&%20emc=rss

So what if Industry is essentially holding the US economy hostage in order to break unions and lower wages? Jobs are coming back!!!

[-] 1 points by opensociety4us (914) from Norwalk, CT 13 years ago

America will be competetive and will be okay if it just lowers its standard of living.

...because the whole point of competing economic system philosophies is to find which one nets the lowest standard of living for its participants. (or maybe it's which one nets the highest standard of living. I don't know)


[+] -6 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

They have had forty years to write those papers.

[-] 1 points by opensociety4us (914) from Norwalk, CT 13 years ago

and they're still writing them and they're still getting a lot of money to write them. but the numbers are in and the theory is starting to work.

[+] -6 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago



guise SRSLY??
