Forum Post: Move Resistance to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 8:17 a.m. EST by ggrube
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Democrat Dick Durbin started the $5 debit card debaucle! Obama is in bed with GE & Goldman Sachs by giving them Government Jobs of High Position. Jeffrey Immelt also of GE is Obama's Jobs Czar and he's outsourcing American Jobs to CHINA.
Don't be fooled by smoke and mirrors as Obama tries to turn this to his advantage by blaming Republicans.
Don't feed these TROLLS
So now telling the truth is trolling?
Not your kind.
So some truths are truthier than others. Got it.
You said, "Don't be fooled by smoke and mirrors as Obama tries to turn this to his advantage by blaming Republicans."
If your not trolling then why do you bash Obama and defend the repugs.