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Forum Post: Most popular person on OWS

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 12:37 p.m. EST by frankjr (44)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

As an OWS, I am following this site for last couple of days. I found out that Mr. Obama president and Ron Paul are the favorites. I did not know about Ron Paul much but I watched him in couple of debates. He is interesting and revolutionary.

Any reason why only these two people are popular. We 99% cannot find any other person? Do we at OWS have to chose a leader in long run? Who could it be.?



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[-] 2 points by RickWrecker (4) 13 years ago

You like Ron Paul if you want peace and believe in democracy.

You like Obama if you like mass murder and tyranny.

[-] 0 points by LazerusShade (76) 13 years ago

and if you don't like either?

Ron Paul wants to cut even more jobs....10% reduction in government jobs who do you think is getting fired? It will be people just like you and i. On top of that it has been shown that an increase in government spending increases the economy. He has several other issues with his platform that make me cringe if he is elected.

As for Obama...Lets face it he had it all when he started and has dropped the ball.

[-] 1 points by RickWrecker (4) 13 years ago

"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal."

  • Emma Goldman
[-] 0 points by LazerusShade (76) 13 years ago

HAHAHAH too right.

[-] 2 points by occupythefed27 (36) 13 years ago

If we had Ron Paul as President, than each state would have the opportunity to elect a Barack Obama type that could get good policies passed at the state level. Right now states have no power, and so we have no voice

[-] 2 points by Walt2d2 (10) 13 years ago

Obama is popular cause he speaks well. Ron Paul is popular because hes FUCKING AMAZING !!

[-] 2 points by hairlessOrphan (522) 13 years ago

Ha, no. Both are popular because they speak well.

It's just which message you buy into that determines your analysis.

[-] 3 points by Walt2d2 (10) 13 years ago

umm NO ! Ron Paul has predicted every financial bubble for the last 30 years. He has voted consistently his entire career. Obama is strictly a politician and is sucking the cock of corporate america. You Tube Ron Paul hes the real deal !

[-] 2 points by Yepper (277) 13 years ago

Obama is the problem. well 99% of it.

[-] 1 points by frankjr (44) 13 years ago

My question is can we name a person who can lead us. Suppose we have to represent our self at a meeting or any thing.

[-] 1 points by occupythefed27 (36) 13 years ago

Barack Obama would have been great if he had not cowered down to scarred Democrats. Or if he never tried to negotiate with Republicans that only wanted him out of office. If he brought all our troops home and slashed spending to create a good health care system. Instead we have what we have. Why? I have come to realize that we have lost the ability to influence the Federal Government. That influence belongs to corporations. That's why I am for Ron Paul now. Its time to let states decide, this way we still have a voice at least in the state we choose to live.

[-] 1 points by OneVoiceInMany (91) 13 years ago

Anyone able to pin the blame on 1 person is missing the big picture.

[-] 1 points by malikov (443) from Pasadena, CA 13 years ago
[-] 0 points by NotOccupying (94) 13 years ago

Do you all realize that a year ago Ron Paul was catering to the tea party and now he is catering to OWS. He will play to whatever group he thinks will get him elected.

[-] 0 points by tr289 (916) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

Obama is the President so ofcourse he will be some what popular. Paul is backed by mostly internet kiddies that spam every website on teh internets with Ron Paul 2012 !!!

Obama is not a favorite with anyone. He is merely less horrible then any of the Republicans trying to get the nomination to run for President. Ron Paul is totally unelectable because while he talks a good game... He is batsh*t crazy.

Here is some good campaign slogans for Ron Paul that might help you understand what I'm talking about .

Ron Paul 2012... Because it's a states right to discriminate against ones race, religion or sexual orientation.

Ron Paul 2012... Because the Civil Rights Act oppressed African Americans.

Ron Paul 2012... Because the Banks and Wall Street need less regulation.

Ron Paul 2012... If you don't have health insurance, F*CK OFF !

The man is totally unelectable.

[-] 0 points by DirtyHippie (200) 13 years ago

Ron Paul IS the 1% and his activist trolls are here in force supporting him and undermining OWS by doing so.

To show my integrity, I'm not here to defend Obama either. I would say that the difference between him and Ron Paul is that Obama is in bed with the 1%. But Ron Paul IS the 1%.

[-] 1 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

What makes Paul the 1%? The fact that he is a doctor and probably accumulate lots of wealth?

[-] -1 points by DirtyHippie (200) 13 years ago

He's part of the 1% because of his opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (The text of his statement can be found on the Congress's website.) His opinion is that the federal government overstepped its bounds and violated the rights of property owners with that legislation. Rep. Paul negates one of the fundamental reasons why we have laws in the first place, to protect minorities, to protect the disadvantaged, to protect all who are vulnerable from the tyranny of wealth and power. His unprincipled stand in favor of the privileged is what makes him a 1% 'er. It has nothing to do with his own income status or profession. It's his ideas that matter.