Forum Post: Most OWS protestors went back to normal lives
Posted 12 years ago on March 15, 2012, 6:11 p.m. EST by NOAMISRICH
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
They have vented their anger and now they realize sleeping in a park and living like native americans is a waste of time. I see this as a phase for a lot of young people. The smart ones get tired and head back to civilization. Sorry guys.
It might be a "phase" for some people but it won't be the end of OWS. Expect us.
I will second that: EXPECT US
We have been hibernating, regrouping, phase 2 is ON. You will hearing from us again soon. I've been itching for it. I ready to mobilize!
Just like this movement didn't start up as some fad overnight, it would end anytime soon unitil there's opportunity again in this country. We stop the RICH from robbing us of our American Dream. No more trickle down crap forced down our throats! We want the income inequality to end. Trickle down accelerated the rich to unbelievable heights while the middle class was gutted. Your the SORRY GUY, GUY!!!
Here's comes the Spring Offensive.
blitz on!
Our lives will never be "normal" again!
Bring me back some corporate loot while you're at it!
How many people are posting here including you Noamisrich ? Seems we got your attention - the whole world is watching - and the movement has done it's job in more time than it takes for a corporation to put together an ad campaign. We are out there and the agenda is clear people are only asking how to fix the Orwellian corporate state - no one is even asking what it's about anymore - it is done. Once the truth is clear people can't unsee it or go back even if they wanted to - it will eat at them and civilization will seem unclear. Good luck one percent we are coming for you.
Nationally there are still over 60 encampments and over 1000 general assemblies and they are still growing. There are roughly 20,000 OWS activists nationally and that number is not shrinking. In NYC while the general assembly has had fewer in attendence the working groups are both active and growing. The mean age of OWS activists is 33 so it is by no means just a young person's movement. It is true that the media coverage has slowed down and as a consequence the general public may be getting the impression that the movement has disappeared, but that is not the case. It is a very, very young movement, barely in its infancy and is unlikely to go anywhere short of the resolution of the many grievances it has raised or the establishment of a police state.
Nationally there are still over 60 encampments and over 1000 general assemblies and they are still growing. In NYC while the general assembly has had fewer in attendence the working groups are both active and growing. The mean age of OWS activists is 33 so it is by no means just a young person's movement. It is true that the media coverage has slowed down and as a consequence the general public may be getting the impression that the movement has disappeared, but that is not the case. It is a very, very young movement, barely in its infancy and is unlikely to go anywhere short of the resolution of the many grievances it has raised or the establishment of a police state.
I'm still waiting for 1 million OWS idiots to shut down the city. Its not gonna happen.
OCCUPY DOESN'T NEED TO SHUT DOWN A CITY!! - only need to spread their message and damage corporate image enough to make more and more people understand the mechanisms that are keeping them in a caste system and monetary system were they are essentially indentured servants. People don't like to be slaves (but first they have to realize that that's what they are) They're waking up and falling into the cause ... oh well you had a good theory anyway - but millions of angry people won't put up with it. So long one percent - we're evicting you now and it won't take much effort when you're standing there all alone and exposed against an entire world.
Hmmm, it wasn't that they were forcibly removed from Zuccotti Park, nahhh .... they "get tired and head back to civilization" (duh).
Yah, if you look at the post where they went through 750,000 that indicates that the paid vacation was over. The money ran out so they went back to where they came from.
how funny -Wall Street can't keep track of it's own finances they need to get bailouts from the taxpayers now they think anyone will believe they can keep track of ours? tumble tumble tumble - did I hear a crash in the background?
we'll see........
Yup... I'm back. It's going to be a long hot summer for those in power.
Yes, I think this will be a very hot summer.