Forum Post: Mortgages VS OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 7:35 p.m. EST by Callmetofo
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I heard one of the reasons OWS are protesting is that Banks were handing out mortgages left and right, without regard that people may not be capable of paying them back. is this true? and if so, why is the OWS blaming banks for handing mortgages, without addressing the lack of responsibility the people taking the mortgages have?
Do you lend money to people you know for a fact can't pay it back? How fucking stupid are you?
They pay bribes to be kept out of prison. Americans are a giant country of idiots. You bank where they gamble with your money and sell bad loans. That's a fraud you fucking moron.
Did they really write a law to protect child molesters in PA?
Writing any law to protect child molesters can't be a law.
Defined as the principles and regulations established in a community by some authority and applicable to its people, whether in the form of legislation or of custom and policies recognized and enforced by judicial decision.
The media propaganda tell all Americans that Paterno didn't violate the law that says report child molesters to your boss and not to law enforcement so the molester cah keep molesting. Can Americans be this stupid to not plainly understand that privileged Paterno is being protected from being charged for his crime that allowed Sandusky to keep molesting children. That is sick, it is sickening, and it proves the entire country is in a deep trance.
Well how i see it, people have brains, if they take mortgages they cannot pay, then they should not take them out in the first place, and of course there are acts of god, where people get laid off or the occasional mistake, but i highly doubt that 100% of the fail-to-pay mortgages weren't to due "irresponsibility" it sounds like everyone is so biased that the investors are greedy, that they don't take the time to address the counter argument, that majority of this country is in credit card debt, they pay the minimum and rack up the debt, just as they were only to pay the minimum of their mortgage
Why wouldn't I take out a HELOC to buy a Rangerover, 60" TV, and some bling??
Please go to Occupy News, see this very short article, then go to the link it provides on swarm the banks. It should explain in a relatively short and concise manner why the Occupy Movement exists.
If i had 100,000dollars and someone needed money to buy a house, then i would lend them the money with interest attached, (it would only make sense), but because i was making such a risk i would want some type of fail-safe, that if the person failed to pay i would still somehow come up on top. thats business.
But you are not the government. The article I wrote identifies that over the past 10 years, the government and the federal reserve gave up actually backing home mortgages and instead let wall street and their investors do it.
Interestingly enough, NewsMax, an ultra ultra right wing media resource, states that the middle class has been losing wealth, for the same last 10 years. This is not a coincidence.
OWS doesn't believe that people should think for themselves. They believe people need their hands held 24/7 because they are neither capable of making good decisions, nor capable of bearing the consequences of wrong ones.