Forum Post: More Than Net Neutrality
Posted 7 years ago on Nov. 28, 2017, 9:40 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Internet is a public utility and a vital communication path. Community ownership is appropriate and necessary for all such utilities to assure access and affordability to all Americans. Let's take the Internet of, by and for the people and operate it on a non-profit basis. Our tax money paid to build it and its infrastructure. For profit communications are an abomination.
create your own rant or copy and paste the above into the comment block at the petition link below.
The internet is the only doorway out of the ever growing oppressive corporate oligarchy...and now they want that too. Do they have any idea the fury that they will tear open in the underpaid overworked stressed angry masses. In no other way could they so blatantly gag and bind our arms behind our backs...this will not stand. And how much stock does Pai still have in Verizon. This is theft of the public knowledge, commons, and freedom...tar and feather...pitchforks.
Can a massive denial of service attack save the Internet?
It is indeed a public commons
The 21st-Century Stamp Act is arriving.
Net neutrality brought the U.S. the dominance of the internet through the leading companies. Now in their gluttony, the Idiots want to slay the goose that had laid the golden eggs. Innovations which are the source of U.S. economic, then military, then political might WILL be throttled back greatly.
The U.S. won the Cold War based on its economic might. "Make America Great Again" will surely fail miserably (due to macaques with pussy-grabbing {and moore!} family values being in charge - I'm watching for the confirmation signal of whether the hairy rednecks indeed dominate Southland {near the oily drainage terminus of the vast Mississippi Valley}).
And tv news media blackout...they will enjoy the death of their online competition...until they come for them too
Can a massive denial of service attack save the Internet?