Forum Post: More religious news to peruse
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 11:03 a.m. EST by Novanglus
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Interestingly the same is true of Cardinals in other cities (they cannot object to priests, nuns, or laypeople protesting or supporting the protests) so it might be wise to spread the word. The only two Cardinals I can think of that might be amenable to OWS message outright are Gómez in Los Angeles and O'Malley in Boston, so perhaps letters should be written to these men ( Gómez is sitting on top of millions of opressed immigrant Latino Catholics whose hold the Church as a cultural and community pillar and reaching these people shall help the movement immensely, and as for O'Malley he is a big mover and shaker in Boston, not to mention he is a member of a Franciscan order, sworn to help the least of his people AS WELL as be a Cardinal.)
I would hope that some of the Protestant ministers in the camp would bring what is written here up at the next interfaith meeting that there are many young Catholics who have been waiting for the Church to get off its butt and go back to what it was once wonderful at doing-fighting for the right to make an honest living, stopping the abuse of labor, standing up for the immigrants muttering their rosaries in the pews, and condemning from the pulpit the avarice and the indifference of men whose behavior beggars thy neighbor. The clergy needs to open its eyes to the pain of the young. They must hear, now and forever, that the young have heard the screaming match over abortion since they themselves were infants. However, what they need now, more than a fractious brawl over abortion, is a just world in which they can do honest work for honest pay, where money does not monopolize influence, and they need priests to come down and listen(not talk) to what they have to say in Zuccotti Park.
allo? anybody out there?