Forum Post: More govt???
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 6:35 p.m. EST by ltjaxson
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When the first congress sat in 1789 there were 26 senators and 65 members of the house of representatives for a population of roughly 4 million citizens. This means, that every representative (house and senate - 91 total) had a constituency of about 50,000 citizens (eventhough blacks, women and non-land owning whites couldnt vote, which really made it more). Today there are 435 members of the house and 100 senators for a population of roughly 300 million, which means every represenatative has a constituency of about 500,000 citizens. This process of adding the number of represenatatives has not changed, beside adding new states, since 1913.
Accumulated unjustified authority in Washington is only made possible with less representation. Not to mention that the amount of staffers, who are paid with tax dollars, is at an all-time high. By adding more representatives it shrinks your district allowing more access to your representative and accountablity, more party diversity and an end to non-elected staffers, who are extremely influential, paid with tax dollars. Less staffers + more representatives = better democracy...
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