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Forum Post: More fuel for the fire

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 12, 2012, 12:56 a.m. EST by zolar1 (0)
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Did you know that the 1% make sales contracts that force stores to sell products at a minimum price?

Example - a video game system. Pick one. Doesn't matter.

According to the contracts, no store is allowed to sell them for anything but what the contract says. They can't give them away either.

Say you bought a playstation 3. No matter where you go, they are always the same price. This is by Sony contract.

Let's say you want to buy a TV set. Pick a brand, pick a model. List the features. Go to a competing store. Exact same TV set & features, but one model letter different. This too is by contract to prevent fair trade.

It forces the prices to be artificially high so the 1% can rape the public.

And those are but two of the items.

Take cell phones - all text messaging is limited to a certain number of characters per text. This by coincidence (yeah right) the exact amount of space left on the carrier wave for your phone. It costs virtually NOTHING to send text messages and yet many companies charge for texts.

Some phone companies are making you pay for 2 year contracts? Why? To make obscene amounts of money off people.

Locked phones? Yep. They try to fix it so you must buy THEIR contracted brand phones and pay exclusively for their air time.

You can't take a Verizon phone and activate it under CricKet.

How about Warranties? Well, find someone who will give you more than 1 year warranty on a basic washer & dryer. Or a normal refrigerator. Without buying an extended warranty. Note: Most of them have electronics in them which fail at the slightest voltage irregularity.

Ever try to get a TV repaired under warranty? How long did it take? Mine took over 60 days and they STILL never fixed it. I had to buy another TV set.

Ever try to get a cell phone repaired under warranty? You have to WAIT a long time. If you needed it badly for work you either bought a new one or went without. No on the spot exchanges.

How about rebates? They hope you never file for one so they can keep their money. You mail one off and it takes WEEKS to get a little back. And that is IF you didn't forget about it. I have never received a single mail in rebate - EVER.

The CEO's do this intentionally to rake in as much profit as possible. But the employees never see much of it.

I know a person who owns a small appliance store. He pays subsistence wages and yet lives in a $500,000 home with vehicles that cost as much as a cheap house!

Wall Street CEO's aren't the only one's who are greedy. Look around your neighborhood businesses.

The French Revolution comes to mind here.

Oh, and to appease the people, the government pays for housing for many people who are far too lazy to get a real job, just to get votes. Section 8 comes to mind. They live and eat better than I do!

Oh, and most of them are FAT.

Gasoline - they hike the price by 50 cents a gallon in a single day. Why? They claim it was because the price of oil 6 months ago went up. And if you look, back 6 months ago, the moment the price of oil went up the price of gas did too that same day. So, they are LYING.

How much money do those 'south of the border' send home every week? Any idea on the economic impact on the US economy because of that alone? Anyone remember general business class in the 6th grade? A ford vs Toyota? The economic impact of buying each? Back then Toyota was made in Japan and things were a little different.

I could write volumes on the various problems.

But what is the point?



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