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Forum Post: More division means splinters in our feet.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 11:34 a.m. EST by theamericanspring (13) from St Louis, MO
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Read this article today about the 53%-ers.

Dear Mr. Frank Decker, Mr. Kevin Eder, Mr. Ken Gardner, Mr. Erick Erickson and the rest of the "I Am The 53%" followers,

1) The Occupy Movement is not about government handouts for people. Read: http://occupywallst.org/forum/proposed-list-of-demands-please-help-editadd-so-th/
Read: https://occupywallst.org/forum/our-turn/

2) The Occupy Movement is not about being unemployed. The Occupy Movement is about re-balancing the financial playfield so that we are all on the same rules. 3) The Occupy Movement is not about living in poverty while taking no responsibility for that poverty. The Occupy Movement is about taking responsibility for our shared destiny.

I am male and the product of a household where physical and sexual abuse were perpetrated upon me by my father. From the ages of 5 until 16 years, this was my life. This childhood did not stop me from finishing high school, attending college to get my Master's degree. I have been working in various jobs from the age of 15 until the present day. I have a working career, as well as a artistic and musical career. I also have a son, 13 years old, who is afflicted with the terminal disease Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy. He has had this condition since birth and has a life expectancy between 19-23 years of age. I have never married and have taken full responsibility for his medical and physical care and advocacy. We have never taken any State or Federal assistance for any of our health needs. Nor have we ever taken any assistance from any charity for any accessibility adaptation modifications for our home, his grandmother's home or any other place he spends time. All of this has been paid for out of my own pocket.

I make sure that our mortgage is paid no matter what. I make sure that our car is paid for and kept in working condition no matter what. We eat, are clothed and pay our taxes, every year, without fail. I am the 99%.

I am the 99% because I believe money is a resource, just like water, air or land. When a resource is stored, blocked or fenced by a small group of people, the majority of people suffer. Resources should flow naturally with no restriction. For far too long large corporations and super rich individuals have been given more breaks and incentives while the rest of us have had our burdens increase. This is not fair and needs to be rectified. Surely, the 53% can see that. And if so, we are in this together.

Division is the tool of the oppressor. We need solidarity. We have more in common than we have differences. When I read Mr. Decker's note in his photo, I could see that he shares my anger. I assert his anger is righteous but, is misdirected. Just as the media that is covering The Occupy Movements across the globe using misdirection through sound bytes, we never get to the reality. All I see is Mr. Decker in a photo with a note. I do not know him personally and probably will never meet him in person so, I can never truly know the source of his anger. But, if we could get together and speak reasonably, we could reveal our anger and come up with a plan to direct and resolve it upon those responsible for our anger.

I challenge all of us to join each other, face-to-face, and counsel with each other. We need to bring all of our voices into a harmony. Right now, we are all like clanging cymbals and pounding drums with no rhythm. Discord will get us nowhere. We do not need a leader. We as a people need to lead. We need our purpose. Then, all of our anger will become the energy that will propel our harmony into the hearts and minds of those who we have let into power. This will change the course of our future and bring equality to our financial and social lives.

The time is right now. This is a threshold moment. We need to step through and not walk away.




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