Forum Post: Moral Monday, Revisited
Posted 11 years ago on Jan. 28, 2014, 2:20 p.m. EST by shoozTroll
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A State Senator was arrested in Georgia, along with 9 others, in an Occupation of the Governors office.
We want our,
We want our, health care please.
( sung of course, to the tune, we want our MTV )
Plus a little history, on Moral Mondays.
"The demonstrators wanted Deal to accept their letter urging him to expand the state’s Medicaid program, as called for under the 2010 federal health reform law."
THOSE ASSHOLES . . . ummmmmmmm . . . WHAT? Sorry was momentarily possessed............
There will be those that claim this a partisan issue, not worthy of Occupy, you know.
Here's another link on health care. A bit old, so it's been an issue for a while.
No Doubt. But those have issues - issues against society moving forward in peace and "healthy" growth for ALL. So - the basic sellout/shill. Fuck-em.
Hee, hee, hee.
I guess I should have waited for Leo, to post this one.
Certain individuals didn't care for it........................:)
I thought it was funny.....and's from truth-out.
That was pretty funny - yet with plenty of food for serious thought/consideration.
Some of my best finds get buried under tons of troll shit.
fer instance, I posted this somewhere yesterday.
I like Julianna too. I first saw her on the NY Occupy station.
Hmm. I lost that bookmark. I'll try and find it again.
This is your "best," (!!) I agree, you have put up another wonderful link in which Ms Forlano has segments on Obama's use of "cluster bombs", "flying land mines" as the reporter called them. And then if that weren't enough another guy reporting that, "The Obama administration is preparing to sell America out to a handful of corporations."
Do you know what the names of those corporations are, and how I could get the full links to those stories?
Next time I do my research on how the Democrats have sold out the American people too, I will start by reading your posts, k? ;-)
It's like I told you in the thread where you said you lived in Chicago.
You just really like to say Obama.
Is that in your contract?
You never told me whether you saw my philandering teabagge(R) of a mayor though.
They even found more video.
So how do you like the cold in Chicago? How do you not go to Shedds every day?
Please show proof where I said that I live in Chicago!!
If you fail to do so, people could then reasonably assume that YOU are a,
Prevaricating, repetitious, loquacious, co-opter for the Democrats!
Don't you think that is reasonable assumption?
When I asked you about your community, all you could talk about was Chicago.
So I asked you some questions about my Mayor's visit there.
I guess you don't read responses then?
I'm sorry. How was I to know?
You should make your next username......"idontrespond" , then I would know.
So where do you live?
He is a part of the shit heads.
go4broke ?
I used one of its posts
Doesn't make him any less of a shit head.
Ya think?
Ever the optimist, I always feel I can help move them in the correct direction...............................:)
Your babbling now (means being loquacious;-)
Was it difficult for you to get through an entire post ( a small one, of course), without saying that word?
or is that why you just had to insult me. even though I didn't insult you?
what State did you say you were in?
Here's the link with the damning evidence that Obama is a neocon too, just in case your decide to take it down.
You said it again.
What did you say about Chicago?? You keep skipping that part.
Did you see Fouts?
DKAtoday @DKAtoday
Verizon v. FCC and What the Fall of Net Neutrality Really Means #occupy via @occupy
T more U know
A tweet for the petition she spoke of?
You Bet = tweet
DKAtoday @DKAtoday
Support the 1st amendment ( public's right to free speech ) - not gut it. …
oh and just to keep you on point and pissed off?
Here's a bit of nostalgia.
From the ugly mouth of Peter King.
DKAtoday @DKAtoday
the f'n shitheel …
T more U know
This has been a Public Service Announcement
people tend to forget who said what, because of the media overload.
we can all use a reminder from time to time.
So thanks.
Assholes should always be shown to the public for what they are - in perpetuity - so lets hope for a viral uptake - and - So - my pleasure {:-]) thanks for the garbage to post out.
"Chairman" homeland security - SURPRISE??? - NOT t f'n shitheel
it is jamming
sounds like double minus dogma
so bandwidth is currently based on what a costumer pays ?
if the corps have more money they leverage the band width out
because they don't pay the broadcaster
Costumer? Yep - them and everyone else. The more you pay - the more you get - well except for taxpayers. One might think that such practice would be bad for business. I mean it has got to be more expensive for providers to run multiple services in the same service area - rather than running only the best service for all "customers" in the service area.
and except loan and rent payers
IF money where even close to evenly distributed| business economics might be significant
Needs to B real money - not electronic smoke and mirrors ( Bullshit by another name ).
world bank by loan sharking
my social credit, it does nothing
Someone should make the wallstreet icon - the bull - fit it's bill more properly/truthfully - HOW? - one might ask - Well - How about welding projectile spewage coming from it's ass and covering the globe?
When was it ever otherwise?
Maybe it was otherwise back when you had a 33.6K modem and paid for that screamin' 56K line.
They just get you to pay for the bandwidth to receive their ads these days.
internet ads crash my bandwidth more than anything else. Can anyone say gluttonous greed ?
Gluttonous greed, in fewer letters.
Your time, their money.
doesn't everyone want to be famous?
oh wait
"Gluttonous greed" rolls off the tongue
Pleonexia may come in handy for twitter and note cards
Gluttonous Greed, although VERY accurate is just so 20th century.
Pleonexia, with roots in ancient Greece, is an actual and VERY under diagnosed medical condition.
We need to petition, say Lilly Inc. to make an exzpensive(sic) designer drug to cure it, that only the rich can afford!
Make it more profitable than not curing cancer and we could all win!
a game sans losers
Plus, with the size of that cash cow, maybe they really would cure cancer.
Thanks for that, the trolls around here, will avoid it like the plague.
Good - let em remain eternally silent on all comments/posts.
Good luck with that.
I expect it to get busy this evening.
Yep - generally the later the busier - as I suppose that they figure their chances of shitting all over the place unhindered has a better chance done late than in prime-time.
It will be during and after prime time.
sotu? It's not like I'm going to bother to watch it.
that's bound to stir 'em up.
I'll be making chicken parm........................:)
Oh I will probably watch - no doubt saying STFU quite a bit during the spit-ch.
"15.00 an hour"
Cheap lunch in Frisco?
I'd estimate it should be around $22.50
Of course it should be also subject to location. 15.00 is an absolute minimum starting-point.
Um, don't bother, the big deal so far is a plan to pay federal minimum wage workers $10.10hr.
It's still not anywhere near enough, and I can't believe they were paying then less than that now.
I guess they didn't like the Pentagon mini strike..
15.00 an hour is just barely enough to get a minimum living wage a chance at being real - tied to inflation - that is.
Don't the libe(R)tarians keep telling we should have the right to move anywhere, at any time to accept available work?
$22.50, everywhere as a minimum.
If it is tied to inflation and cost of living - then the minimum living wage would vary by location - unless we institute country wide parity of costs charged to the public on all goods housing and services.
Imagine minimum living wage tied to cost of living inflation price hikes - yeah eventually with no caps placed on things - everyone - except the wealthy (?) - will be making minimum wage - because the wealthy won't increase wages that they don't have to - and - while the greedy bastards keep increasing prices - "they" won't be making more money - nope - they will just be driving up the minimum wage - so - being the blind/greedy assholes that they are - unless they wake-up - eventually - "THEY" will be making minimum wage along with everyone else. WHAT A CONCEPT.
HUH - the day arrives and everyone is making minimum wage - thank god for debit cards - Gumball machines will take the card so that you can pay a billion dollars for a piece of gum. HEH
Pocket change ?!?!??? Whatyoutalkinboutwillis?
At least we could get all those lazy working moochers off of food stamps.
Why can't they just put in 300hrs a week and buy their own food?
YEAH F'n YEAH . . . um ...... sorry got carried away...... frothing at t mouth . . . ha ha
each character can be represented by one 256 bit byte
There's a joke in there someplace, but I ain't goin' there.
better not
lack of money has shredded my temperament
Duck and cover..................................:(
got it
700 layoffs from Cleveland Clinic announced...because of the disaster of Obamacare. The ignorant village idiot and community organizer...destroying best healthcare in the world. The fucking moron couldn't even operate a website with three years and billion dollars to do it.
Most expensive healthcare in the world, maybe, but sure as hell not the best!
"U.S. Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, Poorer Health":
"Americans Suffer Worse Health Than Peers in Other Countries":
Perhaps Georgia's governor needs better healthcast for the results of Retardicans' way-to-nowhere.
You got a link?
Oh, and when did Cleveland move to Georgia?
I wanna hear that one.