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Forum Post: Moral Integrity, "What about MI"

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 11:38 a.m. EST by MI2 (0)
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I got laugh from the Daily Show when they showed all the clips of the blow hards on 24/7 news asking themselves what is it that these kids want? Because it can't be neatly packaged into a soundbite these morons don't know what to call it. Hell, they don't even know that they are 1/2 the problem! So, I propose the phrase, "What about MI" the MI being moral integrity. Bring moral integrity into every aspect of government and business just like we do with our families at home every day. Just do what is right, whether its a hard decision or one that may cause pain or one that may not get you re-elected. Just make the freaking decisions that need to be made! I can see the T-shirts now.......



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