Forum Post: Monster's Ball and Burning The Race Card
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 11:01 a.m. EST by seshatasefekht
from Houston, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The burning of Draft Cards during the Vietnam era began as a symbolic gesture when "The draft" initiated protests on May 5, 1965. Student activists at the University of California, Berkeley marched on the Berkeley Draft board and forty students staged the first public burning of a draft card in the United States. Another nineteen cards were burnt May 22 at a demonstration following the Berkeley teach-in. On October 15, 1965 the student-run National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam in New York staged the first draft card burning to result in an arrest under the new law.
Most People would agree that Justice is better than Injustice and at the same time disagree with replacing White Supremacy with Justice.
Now, how hard would it be to rally White People and Non-White People to come together to symbolically 'Burn the Race Card" and begin the United States of America on its own road to Truth and Reconciliation with a proper understanding that White People and Non-White People are both being mistreated by the Injustice produced by White Supremacy in the USA? Probably, just as hard as it would be to ask the public to participate in a public exercise to protest Tasering.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was a court-like restorative justice body assembled in South Africa after the abolition of apartheid. Witnesses who were identified as victims of gross human rights violations were invited to give statements about their experiences, and some were selected for public hearings. Perpetrators of violence could also give testimony and request amnesty from both civil and criminal prosecution.
The TRC, the first of the nineteen held internationally to stage public hearings, was seen by many as a crucial component of the transition to full and free democracy in South Africa. Despite some flaws, it is generally (although not universally) thought to have been successful.
The TRC was set up in terms of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act, No. 34 of 1995, and was based in Cape Town. The mandate of the commission was to bear witness to, record and in some cases grant amnesty to the perpetrators of crimes relating to human rights violations, as well as reparation and rehabilitation.
This is just wish thinking for the Dream of America turned Nightmare. It would seem like the USA likes it's Monsters and the dysfunction and deviancy that all deferred dreams evoke. "We The People" loves its own Monster's Ball:
A Counter Racist Movie Review-
A single Black female gets romantically involved with a White male prison guard who participated in her husbands execution. She doesn't know this but he finds out early on and is silent on the issue.
The movie MONSTER'S BALL was a slam dunk in terms of White Supremacy programming. Under the refined form of White Supremacy that is up and running today, people are encouraged to DESCRIBE the problems that Black people face but are discouraged from making an accurate diagnosis of the root causes and more importantly, suggesting a solution. This allows White people to use the term "unfortunate" to describe the condition of victims of racism. They use this word because of its ability to ascribe a type of "neutrality" to things that happens. Getting struck by lightening, getting cancer, having an impacted wisdom tooth...these things are "Unfortunate" because although they are "bad," I didn't have anything to do with it; I'm not responsible... Watch that word and how they use it.............
seshatasefekht, I thank you for your words, There may be hope for the species yet.
Gee, if you can find something to complain about in whites calling victims of racism "unfortunate" you're WAY beyond reason. You're the one who is loathe to burn the race card. Your post shamelessly stereotypes and libels ALL whites as racist, and in so doing you forfeit any moral authority or intellectual credibility, though you'll probably get some condescending white liberals to pretend to agree with you in order to demonstrate how 'progressive' and 'anti-racist' they are.
Honestly, this post is so inane I can't tell if it's a serious post by a race fixated loon or a spoof piece by a mischievous troll.
It's sort of reminiscent of Poe's Law, an Internet meme which states that the ravings of science denying creationists are so off the wall it's often impossible to tell whether a purportedly creationist rant is sincere or satire. I've found the same is often true of much of what is said in the context of 'critical race theory' and especially so-called 'whiteness studies', which this piece appears to be either an instance of or a spoof of. Again, hard to tell the difference when the ideas are so cranky.
OK, then take your own advice and stop being such a racist.
Whatever race you are, you are EXTREMELY racist.
Exactly what 'non-white' race do you claim to be. You're probably Swedish (the whiteness studies kooks claim the Swedes were once considered non-white; those guys are funny!).
I see 'oyefunke' just joined today during our 'discussion', lol...
You wouldn't need to use sock puppets if the facts were on your side.
I know...I can't stop watching that scene were Billie Bob is banging the crap out of Halle too.. But I don't write about it like you. It was really just a movie. Relax.
Blacks are some of the most racist people ever
Explain what that has to do with race.
Oh okay, I just wanted to make sure you meant to sound racist. You did. Cool.
Being aware of something is not the same as understanding how it operates. That is why what you do understand (and feel) will confuse you. The Tenderloin is not a Black neighborhood. It is predominately an immigrant neighborhood (part of it is called Little Saigon) and home to San Francisco's Red Light District and if one is down there (usually looking for some kind of vice, right?) you may find trouble no matter what race you look like (cause that may not be even what race you identify with). White Supremacy Racism isn't about being able to walk through a neighborhood or someone's hurt feelings. It is about systematic exclusion, economic parity and many other things that actually do matter.
The Government countered this, by printing draft cards on asbestos.
I guess you're a 1%er then, since all you've done here is play the race card.
Yeah, I can see that. This is the first accurate thing you've posted here.
LOL! also overheard in this forum: "most of my posts are troll posts"
You're really daft. 'White', like 'black' and 'yellow', is merely an imprecise color metaphor for race, not something to be taken literally.
If any of your purported insights on race were valid, you should be able to infer my race.
You are very much like a Nazi Gestapo enquiring "Are you das juden, ya?"
You're really, really disturbed.
Calling Jews 'non-white' is another thing you have in common with Neo-Nazi types.
Seriously, you should see a competent psychiatrist, perhaps a battery of them.
Jews have never been classified as non-white in the US. This is a myth promulgated by whiteness studies kooks. Please take your meds.
uh,,,this is not true.
Uh, it is true.
Riiiiight. The whiteness studies kooks also claim that Irish, Germans, and Swedes were once considered 'non-white'. It's sheer rubbish. You can research the census taken throughout US history; all Europeans as well as some non-European Caucasians were always classified as white.
White supremacy is racist but not the only type of racism, and your attempt to suggest otherwise is itself both racist and, ironically, white supremacist (I.e. the notion that only whites can be racist is a form of white supremacist thinking).
It's also a very biased, US-centric view of race. Many peoples whom the 'critical race theorist' left classify as 'people of color' in fact consider themselves white, including many 'Latinos' and Arabs.
The academic, 'critical race theorist' left tends to assume a revisionist, restricted redefinition of 'white' as referring only to Europeans and sometimes they even try to suggest only Northern Europeans are 'white'. Once you take the position that the Conquistadors were 'people of color' with no notions or race you lose all credibility. 'Whiteness' wasn't invented by Anglo-Americans, it pre-dates the settlement of the Americas. In fact, the whole white master/ black slave paradigm was employed first by Arabs, then by the Portuguese and Spanish and only later by Anglos. As Skip Gates points out in the acclaimed PBS series on white supremacy racism in Latin-America, 95% of all blacks brought in chains to the Americas were brought and bought by Latin Europeans.
The point isn't of course to excuse or minimize Anglo-American racism, but to cll attention the inadequacy and inaccuracy of the way 'white' is thought of by most 'critical race theorists' on the left in the US.
btw - it is only in the Americas that white has any meaning. I lived in Switzerland where people are confused by the use of the word 'white' to refer to Europeans and they identify themselves by language and culture (not even always country as there as Swiss Germans, and Swiss Italians etc.) The same is true of African-American or Black people. In Africa, people are not African or Black they are Yoruba, Ewe, Twi, etc. This is how people identified from anituquity forward until.....
That's a load of crap. The concept of white and colored races existed in Europe and the middle east long before the Americas were even settled.
PBS also has a series you can access via their website - Race: The Power of an Illusion, that will provide you with the evidence of how 'whiteness" and "white people" were invented in America to exclude Southern Europeans and provided the fodder for the Eugenics moevment (which began in California) It is not a revisionist theory but a myth busting discovery of fact!
I'm familiar with the series and it does no such thing. Southern Europeans faced xenophobic discrimination but were never classified as non-white. In fact, even Mexicans were classified as white for most of US history. The country is named for an Italian for crisakes.
There's a actually a book by a liberal, Italian-American whiteness academic that specifically addresses and refutes this myth about southern Europeans called "White On Arrival".
You know, according to the whiteness studies loons, the Irish, Swedes, and Germans were initially considered 'non-white', despite Venus records from the period that contradict this claim. It's sheer madness, lol.
Nice try though.
You're not sane. I never said anything about non-whites practicing supremacy over whites. I pointed out that critical race theorists (such as those who produce "Race Traitor") consider many white supremacists 'people of color', such as the Spanish and Portuguese, which makes them look really foolish. Tell that to the blacks facing racism from Latin whites in Latin-America and you'd either be laughed at or get your ass kicked.
It's very interesting; you rant against white supremacy but at the same time deny the whiteness of it's most egregious historical practitioners (the Spanish and Portuguese).
There is no 'one drop rule' in Spain or Portugal and there never was. In fact, European Spaniards and Portuguese are classified as white in the US. Always have been. Hispanic isn't classified as a race; Hispanics can be any race.
As far as Latin goes, Latin simply refers to nations who speak a language derived from Latin. France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Romania, are all Latin.
Lol. You need to research the '1 drop rule'. First of all, it's an entirely American thing, and even in the US, it's more of a myth than many realize. It is widely referenced but the actual history is poorly understood.
There were never any legal statutes enforcing a 'one drop rule' in the US, and it was only after slavery, during the post reconstruction backlash against blacks in the south (early 1900s) that some states passed legal definitions of how much white ancestry was required in order for someone to be considered white. Depending on the state one had to be either 7/8ths or 15/16ths white to be 'legally white'; there was never actually a dejure 'one drop rule'.
However, in reality, anyone with noticeable black ancestry would usually be considered black. This defacto situation is what is known as the one drop rule.
The Moors who ruled southern Spain and Portugal weren't black, though there were probably some blacks or people with black admixture amongst them. The Moors were primarily Caucasian Arabs and Berbers from North African (think Gadaffi).
Blacks aren't indigenous to the coastal area of North Africa anyway; the indigenous population are swarthy Caucasians not unlike southern Europeans in phenotype. They in fact enslaved blacks.
Modern DNA analysis indicates the Moors didn't leave a significant genetic footprint on the Iberian peninsula anyway, possibly due to the Inquisition.
Again, you contract yourself. On the one hand you rant that 'white supremacy' is everywhere, yet you simultaneously go to great lengths to deny the whiteness of some of the worst praticioners of white supremacy. By your 'reasoning', neither Columbus, Pizarro, or Cortez were white supremacists or racists, but 'people of color'! You're mad.
Also by your 'reasoning', the British should be considered black by virtue of 'the one drop rule', since there are more blacks and persons of mixed race in Britain than any southern European country.
Again, I implore you to take your medication and loosen the tin foil hat.
Notice that you have been carrying on a conversation mostly with yourself?
There are a LOT of things your handicap prevents you from doing, such as thinking rationally.
what is it about what this poster is saying that makes you so mad and rude about it? I think you have a special bug about it - why does it create such a feeling in you?
Lol; you're either a seshatasefekht sock puppet or really, really dimwitted. Here's a free clue - racist diatribes are annoying, especially when they are presented as pseudo intellectual pretensions. Your .. er uh I mean seshatasefekht's one redeeming quality is that he/she/it is clearly not playing with a full deck and hence is probably more to be pitied than pilloried.
Take your meds sesh,. er uh oyefunke.
You take shallow American movies WAY too seriously. You are incredibly shallow.
the movie won awards and enjoyed an international viewership. it is the exact thing to be critiqued, evaluated and mediated. mall cop is a shallow movie - sex in the city is too but contains images of women that could be far-reaching in the psyche of young girls and men (old ones, too) - all of these need to be taken seriously as movies create conciousness.
Lol - are you serious? That's one of the 5 dumbest things I've ever heard. You're joking, right? I hope you're at least stoned or something.
Take your medication please.
a true capitalist slave reply. that is what they want all of us to do - medicate - take prozac, xanax. You need to stop taking your meds for a minute and allow the heart and brain to function organically.
It's calked a "joke" brain trust.