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Forum Post: Moneyocracy, Not Democracy

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 12:11 a.m. EST by sjgordon (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

1% of the population controls most of the money and political power. Of course, they deserve it. If you don't believe it, just ask them! The above comments were written and an attempt was made to post it. But first I was told I used the cap lock twice and told therefore it would not be posted. So I removed the cap locks. I submitted it again and was told it was too short to post. So now I hope it is long enough! I suppose Occupy Wall Street is advocating a dictatorship of the editorial class!

Steve Gordon, a harassed protester



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[-] 1 points by cmt (1195) from Tolland, CT 13 years ago

68% of millionaires say raise my taxes: new Wall Street Journal poll.

A lot of rich people agree with Warren Buffett on this! That's great. They can be in the 1% but have their hearts with the 99%.

We need to talk to people as individuals, no matter their income. And we need to keep fighting for fairness in opportunity for all of us, and to wean politics off the big money.

[-] 1 points by BenRayfield (2) 13 years ago

Moneyocracy is the way the world works. Fighting it is like hitting a brick wall with a wood bat. We don't have the power, unless it escalates to World War 3. I have a better solution... Go with it, switch sides, and use the moneyocracy against itself. By automating and optimizing it, we take control away from those who dominate the game. If government is for sale, then we offer to buy it. The price? The combined confidence in democracy of the whole Human species. The competition bids the confidence we have in the existing system, which is far lower. Lets coin our own money and use it to buy the moneyocracy. Here's how to do it...

Soon to be created... http://sourceforge.net/projects/jmoneyocracy A moneyocracy is a democracy using money as votes. JMoneyocracy is a peer-to-peer collaborative way to create weighted directed network models/simulations of global power flows between organizations, people, and abstract ideas, like a number-based Wikipedia for global power flows. Bitcoin is an open-source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that started from nothing and became a 100 million dollar economy at its best. Bitcoin legally devalued dollars by 100 million, moving that value into bitcoins which can be spent or converted to/from dollars. In our global moneyocracy, political power is often interchangible with money, and I think it should be automated and optimized and open to the public. Similar to how Bitcoin legally moved value from dollars to bitcoins without having any dollars to start with, powered by confidence in it, JMoneyocracy will be a service of predicting global power flows and will emergently move political/corporate power into this new kind of power/money.

More info at: http://www.kurzweilai.net/forums/topic/bitcoin-sucked-millions-of-value-from-dollars-this-will-suck-out-political-power