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Forum Post: Money should only be printed by the public if it’s backed by people’s productive power.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 2:05 p.m. EST by henoktg (66)
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How do you allow a private banker "THE FED" to print money and control its value through inflation? Money should only be printed by the public if it’s backed by people’s productive power.



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[-] 1 points by greenback (4) 13 years ago

The basic right of a sovereign nation is the right to control its money supply. Unfortunately, our government has been corrupted by the banking industry and the power of controlling the money supply is in the hands of the banks. We need to take that power back and return to the greenback. That is the only way to solve this problem and to return the wealth to the people. Watch this documentary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swkq2E8mswI The gold standard is not the solution because whoever controls the gold, controls the wealth. Can any of us with any amount of legislation guarantee that gold remains in the control of the people? The greenback is the solution to our economic struggle as it was decades ago before this corruption took control of our government.

[-] 1 points by henoktg (66) 13 years ago

Thanks for the link, Yes I agree, the green back can work if and only if printed by congress.

[-] 1 points by henoktg (66) 13 years ago

Yes, you can also back it with people’s productive power “the American public” , but you can’t deny the public to sale it’s productive power by printing money and hand this right to private banker "THE FED". This is slavery.