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Forum Post: Money or Power

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 7:56 p.m. EST by Jericho2012 (0)
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Is this really about Wall Street? Really? I think not. It is really about greed and the lust for power.There have always been Kings and Slaves, Rich and Poor and the Master over the Mastered. Always.... The strange thing is, it always gets out of hand and ends in blood shed. Man just cannot govern man very well. I am willing to bet that if the broke Pot Head living in tent in the park was Bloomberg's son and got all the cars money and extacy he wanted, he would be at the club instead of getting hit with the club. Occupy needs to refine it's message. This movement needs to unify Americans from the Left and the Right. Don't blame the cops, get them on your side. It's time to go "Old Testament" and push the Self Preserving people running our country out of office by any and ALL means. MARCH and OCCUPY Washington.



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[-] 1 points by OldLeftie (253) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

The entire Occupy movement should come down to DC and camp in Anacostia Park, site of the original Bonus March Encampment in 1932. Do what the Bonus Marchers did. Set up a clean, formal encampment. I'm sure there are enough sponsors who will pay for potties and showers.

Then, every day, all those at the encampment should get up at 6:30 a.m. and march down Maryland Avenue to the Capitol and spend the day visiting their Senators and Representatives. Every day until they get something done, like a nationwide Section 8 subsidy program so that everyone pays 1/3 of their monthly income for housing.

Let's get organized, Fellow Workers!