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Forum Post: Money is Slavey by Proxy

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:19 a.m. EST by SevenStarHand (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Want the message that will bring world leaders to their knees? Want to focus on the core of the problems you are all protesting? They all boil down to one thing. Money...

Money is Slavery by Proxy

Over 90% of all human effort is wasted because of greed, money, and profits. When we eliminate money, it will only take a mere fraction of that wasted effort to establish a wise and cooperative civilization, easily able to provide for the welfare of all people. The current system is designed to cause poverty and suffering to keep the other slaves fearful and productive.

Here are more details...

Ever hear of the Texas size Islands of garbage in the oceans? Ever heard of planned obsolescence? The list is pretty long. How much effort and resources could be saved if we stopped wars and conflict? That waste is only the tip of the iceberg. Money is also the most important fuel for war...

The root of evil is greed, but money is the most effective way ever designed to impose greed as a way of life and to consistently empower the greediest and most arrogant. Ever heard of a poor dictator or Pope? Greed, money, and profit are the root cause of the destruction of nature and the impending collapse of human civilization.

Also, the core math and associated deceptions that underlie the system of money is more than fraudulent, it is blatantly evil...

The replacement is wisdom and cooperation. Here's an article I wrote years ago. I'll also publish an updated proposal on how to transition to and manage a global civilization without money and without powerful leaders.




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[-] 1 points by ComplexMissy (291) 13 years ago

Phenomenal message, thank you!

Have you seen this video? I think everyone who supports OWS needs to watch it:


[-] 1 points by dantes44 (431) from Alexandria, VA 13 years ago

So, you wrote an article. Is that your profession?