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Forum Post: Money Drunk - Wall St Can't Hear So Keep Shouting

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 7:07 a.m. EST by KeepOn (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I have family members who works on Wall St - a husband and wife. They have no concept of money as they trade in numbers and volume. They see millions of dollars report through their firms and they are convinced that they are at the heart and soul of the world where all money flows. They believe they are 'special' and 'deserving' of affluence. Their dividends and bonuses are massive - they own houses and travel internationally all the time. One week in Bali, the next skiing in Chile. I guess they get to their desks some times to do some 'work'. Neither of them are high officers in their companies - just money managers. And they are in their 30s. They have a sense of entitlement that comes from being money drunk. They don't see the issues people are talking about here or in the market. They can't understand. And they are gripping tighter and tighter to the lifestyle they have become accustomed to by clamping their eyes and ears shut to the reality of the corruption and greed flowing through the Wall St system. Keep shouting this message. To get through it has to be loud and clear above the noise of their rattling diamond bracelets and roaring Porche engines. We are shouting along with you.



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[-] 1 points by tomcat68 (298) 13 years ago

god forbid people become successful or live out a dream such as that. unless of course it is you right? once you take away what they have worked for it will be just fine for you to have it. in your world that is justice I suppose. I'm actually unemployed and will most likely jump on the 1st $8/hr job that I can get. to people in some parts of the world that is an outrageous amount of money and I should be ashamed for living such a rich lifestyle. I supose after we take all of Oprah Wifreys and Steve Jobs money from them, those people in some 3rd world country should then take it from us. not because they earned it, just because they don't have it

[-] 1 points by rcalicea (16) 13 years ago

And your family members are doing what that you should be shouting against? They are earning money, in however distasteful a method or amount, they are doing exactly what we all try to do but they have figured out the system. Boo-hoo. Do they make any laws whatsoever? Do the businesses make laws? They may influence them, but they sure as hell don't make them. If you want to shout you'd better stop shouting at a brick wall, go to Washington and shout at the people responsible for the mess you rightfully see!

[-] 1 points by smartguy (180) 13 years ago

cool story bro

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

One great shout would be to put a few of the criminals in jail. The other would be to take the money away by closing accounts with these banks and investment firms.

[-] 0 points by ModestCapitalist (2342) 13 years ago

Be on the lookout for commercial brainwash plots on TV. They are written into nearly every scene of nearly every show. Most cater to network sponsors, coorporate partners, and parent companies. Especially commercial health care. In particular, high profit pharmaceuticals and excessive medical testing. These plugs are countless, calculated, and VERY well written. They have commercial brainwashing down to a science. DON'T FALL FOR IT. Get off the couch and take care of your own body the way nature intended. There is no substitute. If you must see a doctor, then DEMAND that he/she give you more than 5 minutes of their undivided attention. Otherwise, dispute their unreasonable charges. Be prepared with written questions about your condition and get them answered one at a time. If they refuse, then dispute their unreasonable charges. If they prescribe excessive medical testing, then ask if they personally own the equipment or if they are paid a commission for each test. If they find nothing new or signifigant, then dispute their unreasonable charges. If they prescribe a pharmaceutical, then ask for a generic. Better yet, concider a change in lifestyle or simple tolerance. If they still recommend the name brand pharmaceutical, then ask about any financial ties or conflict of interest. If they get offended, then dispute their unreasonable charges and consider a new doctor. If you must drug away your sniffles, worries, jitters, aches, and pains, then at least do your homework. Be aware of the possible side-effects ahead of time. Don't be surprised to find yourself back a week or two later feeling worse. In which case, you should dispute their unreasonable charges. If you are diagnosed with another medical condition, then ask your doctor what he/she has done to rule out those possible side-effects. Otherwise, dispute their unreasonable charges. Don't let any greedy doctor treat you like a number, make you wait an hour, or rush you out of their office. Otherwise, dispute their unreasonable charges. Don't fall for this CRAP that doctors have no choice but to over-book their time or over-charge their patients because of a high overhead. ITS A LIE. YOUR DOCTOR IS MOST LIKELY A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE. The same goes for their bogus claim to over-test so many of their patients because they are afraid of missing something and being sued for it. THAT IS ANOTHER FLAT-OUT LIE. Afterall, if this were true, then it would only explain some of the unnecessary testing. NOT THE OBSCENE CHARGES. It also wouldn't explain their own financial ties directly to the manufacturers of said testing equipment. Thats right. Most doctors hold stock in the very same companies that produce that equipment. Its another conflict of interest. So don't fall for their CRAP. Demand their undivided attention and respect. Afterall, they took an oath. If you have the opportunity before being admitted, then check the record of your hospital. Check to see if they have been investigated or sued for providing unnecessary treatment, excessive medical testing, or fraudulent billing. Dozens have already been caught doing so. Do all of the above regardless of your coverage. Don't force your employer to cover the obscene and often fraudulent charges of a corrupt health care industry. By doing so, you make the problem worse. Keep your guard up when watching ANY talk show. These people are not your friends. They are not your advocates. They are paid actors hired to get your attention and your money. Some of them are also executive producers (Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres, and Dr Phil.). Nearly every word, smile, and stupid joke is rehearsed ahead of time. Including those which take place so often during what appear to be 'technical oversights' (Today Show. Even their stage hands are mixed in behind the scenes so that you can hear them laugh at every stupid joke.). Its all fake. Its all calculated. These people are not trying to make the world a happy place. They are trying to entertain you only because their marketing studies have shown that you are more likely to drop your guard and support their sponsors. Nearly every segment is about marketing some over-priced product or service. They will use any excuse to plug a gadget, fashion item, travel destonation, credit card, university, drug, medical test, surgical procedure, movie, TV show, book, magazine, song, website, ect. Almost all of it over-priced. Almost all of it resulting in higher profits for their sponsors, partners, and parent companies. DON'T FALL FOR IT.


[-] 1 points by smartguy (180) 13 years ago

cool spam bro