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Forum Post: Money: A short history of US Power and the Gun Behind that Power

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 11:52 p.m. EST by golum (46)
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In 1962 congress was forced to write a little book called "Primer on Money", I suggest you all find that book on the internet. It was a congressional study on the 'Primer on money'. This is the BIBLE of those who follow the 'shadow government of the USA', it was written as a primer in 1962 so that freshman congressman could understand how the real world operates.


People loan money based on the ROI, or return-on-investment. If they feel their money is 100% safe they'll accept low ROI, if they fear the loss of their money the ROI must be high.

Today people still trust the USA that the T-bill and T-bond will not collapse, so uncle sam can borrow Trillions from the Chinese and pay low interest rates. The chinese would only buy gold if gold paid interest, sadly it does not.

Since post WWII the USA forced the entire world to base currency ( money ) the dollar, backed by fractional gold, post 1972 the gold clause was removed, and since then MONEY is ONLY based on the confidence of the US government. To sum the current situation the WORLD is a BUCKET OF SHIT, as the confidence of the US government by the world is now ZERO.

Truly rich people keep their 'money' wealth diversified, there still are AAA ( good money ) like the swiss-franc, singapore dollar, so there are still places for money to be safe, after that its gold.

The Federal-Reserve created in 1917 in the dark of night is in power to pull 'money' out of its ass, they then LOAN this money to the US government who turns around sells T-Bond and T-BILLS. People who buy these t-bonds and t-bills get INTEREST from the US government deemed safe.

Since 1990's the US public no longer saves money, but that's ok, as the chinese sell us shit from walmart and the chinese turn around and buy t-bills.

But to answer your question who do you pay the interest to? Its to the US treasury, but they get the DOLLARS for free from the federal reserve. Given that since 1972 the money is NOT backed by gold, and the fact that now every year the FEDERAL RESERVED pull's 10's of trillions out of its ass this means that over time the DOLLAR becomes diluted and real value approaches ZERO relative to say gold or real money like SGD or CHF.

The USA has been playing this hustle on the world since WWII, which of course the USA ( bush, harriman, hearst, ford ) brought on. Post WWI they created the CIA, forced the world to trade OIL, DRUGS, and BLOOD in US dollars. To this day any country that doesn't sell its OIL in US Dollars get's bombed.

The INTEREST is paid to the US treasury which is BATF & secret-service, and several other very powerful gun toting groups, oh and the IRS.

But most interesting is that the US government pay's NOTHING for this money that it gets from the federal-reserve, its all off the books secret money called the 'back-door'.

I would like to say more about BATF aka bureau of alcohol, tabacco, and firearm: Very interesting that their part of treasury, as Gun's are a right, and not really taxed, but post 1930's the US government started 'taxing' machine-guns and put guns under treasury, these MONEY people are the best armed in the US government second of DOE ( energy ) which protects the NUCLEAR power plants and NUKES in general.

Buy the WHOLE DEAL GUNS & NUKES is always about ONE thing, protecting the almighty US dollar the NUKE is kept to the worlds HEAD to keep them accepting DOLLAR's, they then have to buy dollars and pay interest to the US government, not unlike EVERYONE on earth having to give on to CAESAR. The CIA keeps the whole game going. Brilliant.



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