Forum Post: Monetary Policy or New Currency
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 11:20 p.m. EST by doctorcorn2002
from Bronx, NY
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Our government needs to make its own debt free money rather than have to take loans (our government already makes debt free money in the form of coins because of a literal interpretation of the constitution). Or people should make a new currency.
Privatized money is what got us into this mess. The federal reserve is privately owned, mostly by the Rockefellers. (I care not what puppet sits on the throne, give me control of a nation's currency!) It's also backed by.. basically nothing. It's actually unconstitutional for our money to not be backed by precious metals. Gold and silver are real money, federal reserve notes only have value so long as people want them.. which isn't going to be for much longer.
Once more, The consitution states that any money issued by the government must be backed by gold or silver. Perhaps this is a bit extreme, but to my interpretation, anyone who supports fiat currency or the federal reserve, is a Terrorist!
Project Earth: A Resource Based Economy Explained
the government has no place in the economy. Money should, and will, stay privatized.
so then people should make a new currency independent of any government
I suppose, if people want a new currency... they should go for it. I must point out, that currency without backing has no worth.