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Forum Post: Modest Proposal - solution that everyone will be happy

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 9:48 p.m. EST by Callmetofo (39)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The human race should sell their children to slaughter houses to be ground up to made into food for the world. I believe my proposition will not only help over population and world hunger, but it would also help the world economy, global warming, and even increase longevity of a human being’s lifespan. I believe that overpopulation is the root of all evil, in many the concerns that not only the 99% has, but the human race has also. By dealing with overpopulation, issues such as world hunger and unemployment would ease to exist.

In 1927 there were about 2 billion people in the world. 50 years later in 1974 the population double to close to 4billion people, 40 years after that in 2011, we are now about 7 billion people in the world. The trend is very clear, about every 50 years the population will double! Based on the trend, in 2060, there will be close to 16billion people on Earth. World hunger is directly related with over population, if there were less people in the world, there would be more food to go around. The Occupy Wall Street Movement likes to blame the 1% for the lack of jobs but ironically the protesters are actually the ones to blame for the lack of jobs. They are the 99% and therefore are the ones that are majority responsible for overpopulating the Earth, in result there aren’t enough jobs to go around. Just as Overpopulation is to blame for world hunger, the 99% is to blame for the skyrocketing unemployment.

I believe that one of the best ways to understand ideas is with numbers, so I did some calculations, for every 120,000 children, 20,000 of them will be kept for breeding for the continuance of the population, but only 4,000 of them will be male. According many farm breeding methods, 1 male will suffice for satisfying 4 females. The other 100,000 would be raise with different methods to be served to the population of the World. finish reading in my comment of my post.



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[-] 1 points by Thatoneguy (75) 13 years ago

Thank you Swift!

[-] 1 points by Callmetofo (39) 13 years ago

On average, a one year old infant weighs at about 25pounds. The average birthrate can be rounded to 240,000 infants per day. If we were to price the meat at the same price we price beef today, we would gross close to 2.5million dollars per day just in the United States. Just like wine, babies have certain years, that they are at the peak of tastiness. One year old infants in particular would be the most ideal staple in the daily life of the average human. According to the author Jonathan Swift, “a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled ...” I also believe just like cattle, there will be different grades of babies, and that the so called 1% would maybe pay more for babies of pure bred ethnicities, just as we can appreciate pure bred dogs such as Alaskan Huskies, and Pomeranians. Little before and after March is when there would be plentiful, this is because in Catholic based countries, there are more births 9 months after Lent, then any other year. This would ideal, because we would be able to store surplus meat in times of drought and famine.

Now moving on to a different topic, I do acknowledge the women’s choice, in terms of the views on abortion. A solution with the unborn fetuses is that we can use them just as Christopher Reeves did. In South Park Colorado, Christopher Reeves, a paraplegic, snaps the neck of an unborn fetus and drinks the stem cells. Despite his devastating accident that made him paralyzed from the neck down, Christopher Reeves was able stand up from his wheel chair and demonstrate to the world the benefits of stem cells, a superman-like inspiration. Stem cells would help lengthen the duration of the human life. Stem cells also have the potential to increase brain productivity. People have as set number of brain cells, with the occasional blow to the head, we lose them and never able to produce more. Stem cells are blank cells that become the type of cell that they are surrounded with; therefore, adding stem cells to a human brain has the potential to increase their intelligence.

Last but not least, I will address global warming. It is said that livestock is responsible for 1/5 of manmade global warming. This is due to methane. The average cow contributes about 280 liters of methane per day to global warming. The average human contribution, depending on their diet, averages at 2pints per day. Because 2 pints is equivalent to 1 liter, a cow produces 280times as much methane as a human does. This would mean that if we were to replace the beef staple that we as Americans so heavily rely on, with babies, we would be reducing manmade green house gasses by almost 20%!

Selling children and babies to slaughter houses, will not only help our economy grow as a planet, but world hunger and over population would be something of the past, a milestone that the human race had addressed and overcame. Global warming would be reduce, which would result in less deaths from cancer which is the second leading cause of death in America. People with physical disabilities would be able to overcome their disabilities with ease, and intellect will spread throughout the world.


[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

It really is against all that I believe in to even reply to this kind of garbage but I have to point out one simple mistake. Ground meat is NOT made from the prime cuts, or the young, tender meats, it consists of the old, tough, diseased animals Now will everyone over the age of 18 please follow me out to check out the insides of this semitruck parked outside.

[-] 0 points by Jimboiam (812) 13 years ago

After the first sentence i had to laugh before i skipped down to the good part where every man gets to satisfy 4 women . Now that's what i'm talking about. I didn't know OWS was for increasing my share of bitches. Hoorah!