Forum Post: Modern Feudal Hypothecation
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 6, 2012, 12:22 a.m. EST by TheEvilFuckaire
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Start with the original feudal system. It developed worldwide in countries that had no communication with each other. Japan had the same system as Europe, and there was no communication between them. This makes me think that feudalism is the natural evolutionary next step after tribalism in human nature. We have never moved beyond feudal society, instead the elite have become more sophisticated, and the names have changed.
In the middle ages, local warlords (aka nobility) oppressed people directly collected taxes (aka armed robbery) from peasants In this system people knew exactly who their masters were.
Now the Kings have been replaced with banksters, the nobles replaced with politicians, and the knights with police.You are no longer a slave at the end of a whip, you are slave to a fake debt. You have been tricked into thinking lending is borrowing. You owe interest on money you are loaning.
If I give you an IOU, you are loaning me money, the IOU is MY promise to pay you later. A note is an IOU. A Federal Reserve Note is an IOU from the FED. They BORROW money by printing IOU's and tell our nation we owe them interest.Our brains have not only been washed, they have been hung out to dry.
Slaves are not sold at auction anymore, they are born into a kind of bondage they will never understand without study. You are a piece of livestock. When America left the gold standard the only collateral left was it's people. You are owned the same way a house or car is owned by both a bank and by you at the same time. Hypothecation You are collateral for the national debt. Even though the government does not lawfully own you you are put up as collateral for loans from the international banking cartel. Instead of loans our nation gets IOU's from the cartel and have to pay interest. There is always more fake principal plus interest than fake principal so the fake debt can never be paid.
The national debt is an illusion the FED never gave us anything of value. paper money that has no commodity to back it is worthless. Since they gave us IOU's instead of money THEY OWE US! If this system continues they will try to foreclose on our bodies like they have on our homes.
Tell them we know the whole thing is a trick and America wants something of value for every Federal Reserve Note they printed.