Forum Post: Model Introduction: The Forum
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 10:30 p.m. EST by Amanita76
from New Haven, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
(This idea came out of Occupy New Haven so some of the info may not make sense but you get the idea. I hope this idea can catch on to as many movements as possible. Please spread the word!)
One of the strengths of our movement is our focused energy manifested in one space. It represents not just a public presence, but a ready audience of people both in and out of our group. The General Assembly is scheduled twice a week for formal announcements & group-decisions, yet for an efficient GA the discussion must be short, pointed, and directed toward conclusions.
Our desire to further understand, discuss, and explore the ideas that bring us all together in solidarity has led to the creation of informal “Forums” on the Green. It borrows from the traditions of Ancient Greece and Rome wherein a Forum served as a gathering place of great social significance, and often the scene of diverse activities, including political discussions and debates, rendezvous, meetings, et cetera. In a sense it is a marketplace of ideas wherein we actively form and debate concepts that effect our lives and movement.
Anyone can declare that “Forum is now in session” at any time with the People’s Mic, and discuss any idea, question, issue or suggestion. Conversations are meant to be transparent, and open for anyone to join – including passersby and visitors that are not yet part of the movement itself. The Forum is an informal, inclusive space where rough ideas can take shape and possibly turn into actions by individuals, working groups or, when necessary, develop into formal proposals to the GA. Multiple forums may happen simultaneously, they require no scheduling, and they are to be self-moderating with no official protocol or positions.
A bulletin board will hang in camp to serve as the place where people can post topics to discuss, or have others discuss. Forum discussions which are considered “resolved,” or proposals that are inspired through the process, may be hung on the bulletin board with the word RESOLVED written on them until we place a formal mailbox in the camp.
Forum is a place where we can learn from each other, explore positive directions for our energies and start moving toward the solutions our society desperately needs. Bring your thoughts, ideas, experiences and an open mind. Bring a chair and plan to stay awhile! Bring a friend. And please, someone bring a pen so you can jot down some of the ideas & discussion points to share with those who couldn’t be there.
Conversational Subjects are used to create a context for the questions at hand. They include: Foundation(topics which directly effect the movement the same way “controls” effect science experiments), Culture (common behaviors, traditions, and practices of the people in the movement, or the movement itself), and Suggestion (Initiatives requiring action that in some way potentially solve a challenge). Any topic which is written as a statement instead of a question is assumed to be presented in the context of a Debate (subject where one takes the side of supporter and another takes side of opposition).
It's an interesting idea. How well is it working in New Haven? Or is it something they just started?
Its still getting started. We've had an encampment ever since Oct. 15. We've now scheduled forum days on 2 days of the week so people can talk about proposals and other ideas, that way GA can proceed smoothly. We only have GA twice a week unfortunately.
Im going to give this movement time to debate the issues and try and help it do so, but I swear if it doesn't unify on the message of ridding the government of the moneyed interests then I've lost some hope. Until this the over arching problem of money in politics is fixed, all the underlying issues regarding healthcare, jobs, and foreign policy will never be addressed adequately with the inherent conflicts of interest government.
Exactly. I think more people are starting to focus on getting money out of politics as being the first major thing to focus on. Overturning 'Citizens United' is being discussed constantly. That is an absolute must. Like you say, everything else after that will be much easier to accomplish. Good luck in New Haven.
I've come to that exact conclusion with many people, overturn citizens united. The options as I see them to combat moneys role in politics is no easy fight:
Pass Campaign Finance Reform- Citizens United is a start but even before the Citizens United ruling the political system was influenced adversely by money. Other reforms combating campaign finance would have to be passed, such as vast reductions in how much you can donate to campaigns. Also partially public financed elections(one prerequisite to this would be having to get a 200,000 signature or more to qualify). This needs more discussion especially from those who are well aware of what could get the conflict of interests out of government.
End Corporate Personhood with a constitutional amendment. This would instantly end all influence of money in politics by corporations, ending citizens united, and end their rights of freedom of speech(lobbying).
Direct Democracy- Ive started a post on suggesting the implementation of Direct Democracy on a nationwide/state/local scale. Here is the link:
Yes, I've noticed all your ideas are being discussed at some level. Direct democracy is starting to gain a small foothold although there are a lot of old-schoolers that are adamantly against it. Occupy has been getting a lot of flak since day one for not having a defined list of proposals, but once the majority get behind the money issue that will be one less thing the opposition can complain about.