Forum Post: Mitt who?
Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 7, 2012, 12:59 a.m. EST by FawkesNews
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“Presidents are selected, not elected.” Franklin D. Roosevelt
Mitt's a millionaire, a have in a sea of have-nots. There are a lot of Wall Street millionaires, but thankfully not enough to elect a millionaire President.....
Even the fact that a guy like that was advertised as a candidate for that office is beyond belief. How much is prearranged by the wealthy is difficult to assess.
Thank goodness for that! Money out of politics and Corporations out of of personhood. I feel a fuzzy warm hopeful feeling but maybe I'm a bit drunk still. In any case, OWS is needed more than ever. Thank you.
Presidents are bought, for a lot.
"Anointed" seems more appropriate at times. Purchased seems so cheap.