Forum Post: Mitt Roney said in his speech " we wont forget our friends Israel "!
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 10, 2012, 8:41 p.m. EST by Scout
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Does that mean wiping their ass ??!!!!!$%#@&^$&$ Doesnt America have any other " friends " ??? Why is it always fkcing Israel this and Israel that ???? They are the reason USA is in the place it is !! In trouble
vote RON PAUL !!!
blaming the Jew for US problems ?
wake up ! Jews OWN usa
has the president always been christian ?
has the US Federal reserve always had Americans by the balls?
was marx an atheist ?
Why did Marx have so much disdain for his own race?
the chanukah party/emmie and mr stopnick
god, we've gotta get away from these "friends"--they're like dealers to drug addicts--they lobby the us gov't like a cheap hooker, get standing ovations, and drain taxpayer pockets by our supposed alliance with them. what have they done for us--please name one thing???
"Mitt Romney said in his speech 'we won't forget our friends Israel'" and now scout is going to overreact and wildly misinterpret it as an excuse to go on an unintentionally hilarious but hateful and stupid rant to prove how fucking ignorant and gullible he is.
another bigoted moron for the ows crowd to be so, so proud of.
be proud, ows. be so very, very proud of scout and the rest of the 9/11 truthtards who have destroyed any scintilla of credibility this movement might have had.
This post is hateful and in general a piece of shit. Scout also has a tendency to post hateful pieces of shit, at least as of late. I want nothing to do with Scout, and I suspect that most of OWS doesn't want much to do with him or the other chemtrail/alien/9-11/Jew people either; they simply haven't yet figured out how to eject those yet (although for everyone's sake I hope they do).
it's too late. 9/11 truthtards and jooooooooooo-haters are ingrained in the ows movement.
ows should have ostracized them from day 1, but didn't. it wouldn't have been difficult at all.
No no ....hateful is throwing the Palestnian families out of their homes onto the f*kcingf street... that is hateful !
fuck off Jew lover
scout, you must have the smallest penis in America. and knowing semetic people on average have the largest penises, it makes you that much more crazed and insane. kill yourself, bitch.
well Jews dont even have a penis because they are not human
Intelligent people will always rise to the top of the heap.
If America continues to allow Israelis to take all the top jobs, don't be at all surprised when foreign policy in the US of A is clearly biased towards Israel.
Seems pretty obvious to me.
not true at all--look at george bush. they're usually just good glad-handers--who know the right people.
Israel has an average IQ of 95 - they are no more intelligent than any other nation - unless I misunderstood your comment....are you trying to feed us the myth that jews are more intelligent than gentiles? This was debunked a while back when professors and researchers looked at the samples conducted by jewish professors making this claim. 1) The sample size was very very small as compared to the gentile sample size - example - 200 jews were sampled whereas 5000 gentiles were used in the experiments - of course the results will be skewed 2) The sample size was not a good representation of the average population - meaning they chose to sample very intelligent jews form the best schools and gentiles from average schools - once again, several experiments like this were conducted and they were all flawed...
I'm interested in your research. Would appreciate some information, but I also understand that with corporate control of most of the media sources, it would be hard to find.
I'm just trying to rationalise the WHY, of seemingly monopolistic Israeli influence over the foreign policy decisions of the US admin.
It's a popular books and all over the internet....when you have a study done by a jew (or any other ethnicity) of course the results are going to be biased to the group being represented - studies can always be manipulated just as history has been...the myth of jewish intelligence has been around for quite some time.
Folks that are held up as geniuses in the media such as Bernanke, Greenspan, Netanyahu, etc are little more than con artists, thieves and terrorists...I once read via a jewish publication that they were claiming Netanyahu's IQ was 200 - this is laughable and untrue....Also, the jewish community holds Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson up as a profit and genius - this man had trouble getting out of college (it's questionable he even graduated college) and was not only a criminal but also a racist.
I remember reading about the Russian jews. Interesting history. Or maybe it's interesting because Jewish people keep their story going more than some other nations.
With the arrival of a million Ashkenazim from Russia, one can be pretty certain that the average Israeli Ashkenazi IQ has temporarily gone up because Russians rarely intermarried with Sephardim.
But as Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews in Israel intermarry, the former will raise their average and the latter will drop.
Finally, the idea of Israel having a low IQ is inconsistent with other facts. In proportion to its population, Israel has the largest number of startup companies in the world. In absolute terms, Israel has the second largest number of startup companies (3,500) after the United States, an amazing feat considering that several European countries have a population ten to fifteen times that of Israel, and the high IQ China has 200 times as many people.
Israel is third in the world in college degrees and first in graduate degrees. Israel has the world’s second highest per capita rate of publishing new books and has more museums per capita than any other country, as well as the highest percentage of home computers. Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation by a large margin.
None of these facts are consistent with Lynn’s claim of a low Israeli IQ.
Keep in mind this regarding startup companies - Israel receives tons of money not just from the USA but also from countries such as Germany and others. Also, many US firms invest in Israeli startups because it's considered a democracy - which it really isn't but as far as business risk goes they are stable - hence companies will invest over there. They receive military aid but also financial aid from the USA. If you look on any credible site or book it will tell you Israel's average IQ is 94-95....
Israel's graduation rate isn't even in the top 6 (USA isn't either) according to the below academic study:
For some countries the graduation rate depends on the cost of education....I see nothing claiming Israel has the highest grad degree rate....
There is a commonly held belief that one should always back the underdog, and perhaps Israel, and maybe jews in particular, are good at portraying themselves in this light.
I can think of many instances in many wars when heaps more than six million people were killed or starved to death.
Apparently the German POW's died in their tens of millions in Russian concentration camps after the ceasefire in WW2. American forces were aware of this, but little was done to abate the mass starvation.
careful with all that ranting and raving. your Klan hood might fall off and god forbid you're near a mirror. you'll go blind!
amazingly enough, you're even uglier on the inside you bigoted clown.
Jews dont have a single good quality and they are the cruelest people on the planet
In 2007 Islam and Judaism's holiest holidays overlapped for 10 days. Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies in 94 terror attacks across 10 countries during this time... while Jews worked on their 159th Nobe Prize.
I never thought the underdog would lower itself to murder, cheating, financial fraud, nation wrecking, lying, killing etc....honesty is good every once in a while....
There is no hard evidence for the 6 million number....
War is hell. And the first casualty of war is the truth.
What can I say? Our forces have joined yours on every foray.
" perhaps Israel, and maybe jews in particular, are good at portraying
themselves ( as the underdog ) "oh yes no doubt about that one !!!
see this video where a former Israeli Cabinet Minister proves you are right !!!
Hmmm, she's a communist party leader.
She also looks and sounds northern European.
hmm ... i dont think they allow North Europeans to be Israeli cabinet Ministers ?
And if she is communist then so is Obama !
Since the several Jewish Diaspora, it's possible to be any nationality, and still be Jewish.
I recall reading that Polish jews were the first to be persecuted by the Germans, at the behest of the German jews.
does it matter ?
Hey, Israel will take care of business when they need to instead of waiting for someone here in Washington DC to make a decision based on it having to be "politically correct".
They don't care about being "politically correct" and if they feel the need to drop a bomb they will.
So from that perspective we need them as a friend
" if they feel the need to drop a bomb they will."
and if that happens so will China, Russia and probably Pakistan ( nuclear ) and North Korea ( nuclear )
Suddenly nothing will matter any more
I don't think so because they have done it in the past when they felt threatened. I believe they bomed Iraq nuclear facility and there was no wolrd war.
i do think so because the Chinese have actually said they will !
Israel is not to be fooled with and I doubt china would challenge them because israel is backed up by the US. Why do you think they are disliked so much.
They don't put up with anybodys crap.
doesn't mean it is prudent and it doesn't mean that it won't result in apocalyptic world War three. the Israeli government are a bunch of lunatics and even the former head of Mossad says so
" " He has repeatedly said that an attack would have horrific consequences for Israel -- that it would be a disaster of unimaginable proportions. ",1518,796320,00.html
I think Israel will make sure what they do, should they need to do it, will be brought to the attention of those concerned before they take action.
They have in the past
nothing more than YOUR opinion. For the sake of the world and humanity I hope the actions of more sensible people than the Israelis and you prevail
Time will tell.
Relax scout. Love not hate. All people's are worthy of high esteem. Ethnicity is an allusion. You need to reach the higher plane.
not when someone has got you by the balls !! and if you think the Zionists have good intentions towards " non Jews " you are delusional !
Why such hatred? Can your energy be spent in a different way? Make love not war.
i have had enough of these people. And i think many others have also. The world should not be revolving around the affairs of 6 million people.
USA is a proxy for Israel. Obama was put in power to justify sending people of color to die for Israel.
I was under the impression that the military sent the white trash first.....
you need to check out that south park movie which accurately portrays "operation human shield" used often in wars. they say "alright, all the [people of color] get to the front":):)