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Forum Post: Mission statement/goals?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 3:15 p.m. EST by Mmacgregor (6)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I am curious because for some reason I can't find this anywhere. What is the mission statement of what the occupy group stands for. The tea party had a list of things they believed in and what there purpose was. I am trying to find the goal and or set of beliefs the occupy wall street movement stands for. Has anyone asked what it will take to end the protests? If anyone can answer that would be great. Thanks



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[-] 1 points by buphiloman (840) 13 years ago

Funny, it took me two seconds to find:

The Declaration of the Occupation http://www.nycga.net/resources/declaration/

And the Principles of Solidarity: http://www.nycga.net/resources/principles-of-solidarity/

The Principles were the first public statement of the movement on Sept. 17th 2011.

[-] 1 points by Mmacgregor (6) 13 years ago

Thank you lisa no how come no one else can answer this there are Alot of people making this cause look so redux you'd plus you do not need to stand in the street to accomplish these goals it really isn't doin anything is this site you sent me the occupy site or a different group?

[-] 1 points by KenPDX (1) 13 years ago


I was reading for about 3 minutes, and found some concrete stuff. I think major news stations and newspapers want people to think the Occupy's goals and measure are really vague, because they're owned by corporations too. But start reading under IV. Suggested Content, 1. Elimination, and you'll find some simple ideas AND measures, not just "Well, we just...we just want everything to be fair!"

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Mmacgregor (6) 13 years ago

But why be there what will it accomplish. Why is this so hard to answer?

[-] 1 points by xavier (28) 13 years ago

for now i think the "goal" is to show up. to be present and participate wherever you are. to respect the presence of each other person. democracy. we are the answer we've been looking for.

[-] 1 points by Mmacgregor (6) 13 years ago

I don't get it the goal is to have no goal. I just want to know what outcome the occupiers are trying to accomplish can anyone answer this?

[-] 1 points by Mmacgregor (6) 13 years ago

But you still didn't tell me a goal you told me your means to a goal is to occupy every backyard but that's not a goal its the means. What do you want to happen so you can have won and go home?
