Forum Post: Military to Designate U.S. Citizens as Enemy During Collapse (red alert)
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 21, 2011, 7:40 p.m. EST by newjustice4
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Infowars has discovered new FEMA documents that confirm information received from DoD sources that show military involvement in a FEMA-led takeover within the United States under partially-classified Continuity of Government (COG) plans. It involves not only operations for the relocation of COG personnel and key officials, population management, emergency communications and alerts but the designation of the American people as ‘enemies’ under a live military tracking system known as Blue Force Situational Awareness (BFSA). Further, this Nov. 18, 2011 FEMA-released plan National Continuity Programs (NCP) Program and Mission Support Services (PAMSS) [PDF] linked at the website outlines a scenario that overlays with eerie accuracy the bigger picture sketched out by concurrent calls for troops to keep order in the streets of places like New Orleans, as well as other bombshell documents like those released from KBR seeking to activate contracted staff for emergency detention centers and for services like fencing and barricades, as well as numerous agencies and think tanks who’ve prepared for civil unrest and economic breakdown. Hold onto your seats. The plan for the takeover of the United States has not only been drafted, but activated. Our sources and independent research make this abundantly clear. Martial law scenarios preparing for a breakdown of order under the ongoing economic collapse are underway, even as pretexts for control are initiated in locales across the country.
video link
Fear mongering bullshit, Infowars is a disinfo site. It tells 10 truths to sell 1 lie.
There are no FEMA camps capable of holding millions either. You've never seen them on Google Earth, right?
Is this for real?
Beware the pathocrats
You can't legally post an entire article like this. You can only use the first two or three paragraphs and then link to the original article.
This is outofstepper and that article is mine and needs to be changed. Thank you
What if I were to pick out a few random sentences then give link, is that "legal"?
No we wont conform to your rules- we will post anything we damn well. please- and in any format we like-- if you don't like it- go to hell.
This isn't a "rule" it is the law.
Thanks for the post- part of it is related to using fear as a way of controlling us- like the jerk outofstepper- who is really "out of step"- He thinks that he can make us post - with his rules- clearly he is misinformed- we do what we like-
Classic OWS attitude, "we do what we want". Sad
Very sad. Not giving out good vibes at all.
Consider the person truly doesn't understand the law before demonizing OWS over it. (Edit) Looks like the person does not care about the law as seen below.
I sincerely believe that gjames is an anomaly among OWS people and in no way is reflective of the type of people here.
Okay but I've heard it here before. You are right,they don't care about breaking the law.That or they are living vicariously through this forum which is kind of,well,not really scary,but maybe kind of strange.
Some laws can be broken or bent in certain situations and I wouldn't care. But yes, a lot of these users are immature.
I have broken many laws in the name of protesting. However I have never taken someone's livelihood, which is what this is. It is my source of income. This is part of what makes this person so sad. I was getting the crap beat out of me by the police before most of the people here were even born.
get used to it- you will not control us anymore. not by force nor by making crazy laws.
It is called stealing. You have stolen something from me that I own.
Is that right? Don't you think that my having the "don't steal from me" law is reasonable?
Lol I don't want to control you silly.
I can't believe nobody has commented on this.
There are too many posts about this issue, I think is why. Also, if Infowars is mentioned, people may pass.
Yeah, people seem to get turned off at the mention of Infowars or Alex Jones for some reason.
But seriously, FEMA camps and NDAA are whack.
Totally agree. Something's up and it sure ain't good. The fact that a supposed 'democratic' government would declare war, pre-emptively, on its own peaceful citizens is reprehensible.