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Forum Post: mike ruppert, former police officer, addressing police about cracking down on non-violent occupy protesters

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 4:57 a.m. EST by maikeru333 (15) from Ottawa, ON
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mike ruppert, former police officer, addressing police about cracking down on non-violent occupy protesters 20 min. pretty good.




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[-] 1 points by david157ts (54) 13 years ago

That's an awesome video. Thanks for sharing.

[-] 0 points by maikeru333 (15) from Ottawa, ON 13 years ago

i hope it makes the rounds... maybe eventually, instead of the 99% and the 1%, we can have all humanity on board with respecting the rights and needs of all beings. wouldn't that be something. I liked this poster an elderly woman in a wheel chair had: it doesn't bother me that you're rich, it bothers me that you BOUGHT MY GOVERNMENT' ... i think there is some real truth to that...

[-] 0 points by maikeru333 (15) from Ottawa, ON 13 years ago

does anybody need some background on mike ruppert, as to his credibility? he's done the videos 'the truth and lies of 9-11' and 'collapse' more recently ... both excellent... as well as hosting his own website fromthewilderness.com and mikeruppert.blogspot.com

he talks about... moving beyond the 9-11 truth paradigm, to making 'lifeboats' for the post peak oil era, in that society as we know it ... may begin to collapse... it is not sustainable for the number of people in the world with the lifestyles we are living, etc.