Forum Post: Middle East War....the responsibility of Qatar and the Saudis not Americans..the USA
Posted 10 years ago on Oct. 4, 2014, 11:26 p.m. EST by jamespeterevanhoe
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Qatar + the Saudis ..... established funding it.....Now they must be the ones to stop them.
Iran+Qatar+Turkey+the Saudis must stop the War.... borders drawn, giving the North of Iraq to the Sunis. The US has no business in the Middle East War.
It is time to move on.....let them deal with Their Problems and solve the conflict.
The US War Department = Bush & Cheney mistakes of destablizing the entire region.
No American Soldier should fight or lose their American money should be used.....the Saudis and Qatar should absolutely pay for it OR there should be major financial and oil sanctions put in place against Qatar and the Saudis, their assets in the USA frozen, taken, Our Navy stopping all oil shipments out of Qatar and Saudia Araba.
If the US Government goes into this War and uses Ground Forces of American Soldiers...Our is time to remove the US is time to demand Obama step down...once and for all!!!!!!
Stop the BS........Attack the Saudis & Qatar for they financed ISIS. They financied 15 of the 19 ...911 Hyjackers....they are deliberately creating Chaos.
In my opinion both the Royal Families of Qatar and Saudia Araba are the real Terrorists.