Forum Post: Middle-class, Not Wall Street, are the Job Creators
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 10:01 a.m. EST by aahpat
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Consumer demand by the American middle-class compels businesses to increase production and hire more workers.
Wall Street and the 1% do not represent the level of demand that America's broad middle-class does.
The past three years of stagnating jobs markets and economic malaise while Wall Street profits hit record levels are proof that Wall Street is not the job creator that Congresses libertarian economists claim it to be.
Creating more middle-class jobs by investing government resources in infrastructure will create more jobs that will in turn incite more consumer demand for more supply production. More jobs.
As jobs grow so to will the tax base needed to pay for the infrastructure investment by the government.
The Dumocrats shovel ready plan failed. Let's not trust them with anymore brilliant expenditures of taxpayer money.
That is dishonest and disingenuous.
Fact is that job declines stopped when the stimulus plan started.
The problem is that less than one third of the stimulus plan, $215-billion, was for infrastructure investment.
Less than one third went to pay unemployment and other safety net costs caused by the economic collapse. $214-billion.
The largest part of the stimulus, $300-billion, went to tax breaks mostly for the rich that produced ZERO jobs.
Had the entire package gone to stimulus there would be much lower unemployment today.
Thanks for proving my point which is - Don't Trust The Dumocrats. The Dumocrat Shovel Ready plan was a fraud.
That is pathologically pathetic partisan psychosis.
I am an Independent voter who does not believe in political parties.
Proving what a mindless right-wing butt-hole you are.
Thanks for the personal attack to avoid the truth. The Repelicans are just as bad. I am an Independant voter who is hoping we get a sensible 3rd party option in 2012.