Forum Post: Michael Moore on Occupy Wall Street
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 2:58 p.m. EST by Gilliam
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He does make a lot of sense and despite the heavily funded smear campaign he remains out there as a strong voice of reason. I have seen him speak in person (without media filters) and was able to meet him and talk. Michael Moore appeared on Piers Morgan and decried the economic injustice in America. He argued that the people are fed up and it's manifesting itself in the protests happening now with the "Occupy Wall Street" movement. And this is only the beginning. It will spread throughout the country.
I am an Independent that has some conservative values, but also some values that others may classify as more liberal. I saw Michael Moore' s 2009 Documentary "Capitalism: A Love Story" and really liked it. However, outside of this wonderful documentary there has been somethings that Michael Moore embraced that I was really against. It took me a while to get over my disappointment in him.
Overall, I think that he would be a good champion for the people. This is something right up his ally. He could do a documentary on this movement to begin with. I wish people stop demonizing him. I think his heart is in the right place (even though there was something he supported that I thought was a very bad move on his behalf). I am a forgiving person, so I let it go. But if I could sit with him face to face I would have a real heart to heart conversation with him about it.
He is right, the voice of the people is rising up. They will not be silenced. WE ARE THE 99%.
Let's be realistic: All I did here was post a video of Micheal Moore on the CNN show Piers Morgan talking about the Occupy Wall Street Movement. Now if you cannot have the courtesy to even watch the video and comment on the content of the video then why waste anybody's time bashing Michael Moore because you happen to not like him? Please don't knee jerk react to the name and just watch the video. Comments related to the video would be appreciated. Too often we just react based on opinions we already have pre-conceived.
Moore pays bunches of money employing former Navy Seals to protect him from death threats. Sickening how the right hate free speech.
The demonizing of Moore is a symptom of the brutalization that many have suffered at the hands of the system, and the spin of the right that has conflated those speaking for social justice with the "left-wing elite." Here's a man that's been standing up to the establishment and institutions of greed, and is HATED by them. He's an imperfect guy, but he is on the side of the 99%, whether he's technically financially in the 1% or not. It's just ridiculous. You've been divided and conquered already.
In Michael Moore's new book about his life he goes into detail about the heavily funded smear campaign that was launched against him to discredit him and his movies. You see the establishment and the corporate backers who reap billions in profits from the status quo want nothing more than to squash Michael Moore's message and marginalize it. I know people who hate MM with a passion and refuse to even watch his movies so it has worked to a certain extent. Some of these people are loved ones so it is especially sad they won't at least watch and form their own opinions.
We have to avoid divisive issues at all costs. I agree with you about Moore, but a lot of the 99% don't. We have to handle this delicately. No divisive politics and no divisive personalities.
Do not allow the pundits or media to coerce you into identifying your purpose other than to raise everyone's conscious level on what is happening to them because of mismanagement on Wall street and not speaking out. May God continue to bless you in your efforts to improve the quality of life for ALL people.
What does he lie? Bricks? Hay? I dont think he is a lier, or a liar. #Connect
I hope it grows and be a way to save this country from devils in washington.
I hope it grows and be a way to save this country from devils in washington.
I like Michael Moore, He sees the issues we all faced and has tried so long to bring attention to what has gone on in corporate America for so long. However his ideals on how to change this I disagree with.
Moore also has said that most of his haters have never seen any one of his films.
There's a smear documentary about him, where the so-called filmmaker goes to Moore's house, gloating about how Moore lives in some mansion. It's a nice house, but hardly a mansion. The Sherriff tells him to leave, but the filmmaker didn't know that Moore has all those death threats and actual attacks.
Moore doesn't make as much on his documentaries as you may think. The studio tends to make much of it.
He usually has to put a lot of his own money into the docs. Plus, he funds other docs that make zero money.
I do agree that the movements should not be about one celebrity who will save us. We cannot do a thing without solidarity, even when we rub shoulders with former enemies.
So now we have Michael Moore, Alan Grayson, and Dylan Ratigan. They all seem to get it and explain it so the average American can understand. Many of us can do the same. The more we talk to people the people will get it. Just keep going with where your heart is leading you. To change for the betterment of humanity. I like this one the best.
hey Mikey
he likes likes it
If Christi is too fat to run for President, why isn't Moore too fat to speak for us?
If you don't believe me, which most people probably won't Moore is respected and I'm just an internet nobody, look it up. Look up his movies and do some of your own research. He often edits together clips to make it appear completely different than reality. His movies are more fiction than non-fiction.
Are you aware of the well funded smear campaign against Michael Moore and his movies? His movies threaten the status quo and they went all out to discredit his movies. Sadly some people swallow that garbage and believe it because they are force fed. His movies are not fiction. Where are you getting that information? Come up with a credible source and maybe people might listen.
Ok, how about the clips he specifically edited out parts to change the facts completely? How about the bank he acted like you could just walk in make a deposit and walk out with a gun? The bank that told him, "no, you have to run a back ground check and we don't have the guns in our vault, but after a background check you can walk out with a gun." Well Moore left that part out, he took a display gun and acted like he bought it that day without a background check. How about Flint? He made the town look terrible and left out tons. I lived in Flint this summer, it's bad yes, but Moore just spread lies about the town.
Keep on believing what the smear campaign tells you to believe...that's exactly what they want is for people like you to keep on carrying their message of discrediting Michael Moore and his movies. Yes it all started when he spoke out against the Iraq war at the Oscar ceremony and turns out he was right! What he had to endure after that is a nightmare scenario of threats and attacks in addition to a smear campaign.
Hey, keep believing the liberal garbage fed to you as well. I looked at both sides and made my opinion. You looked at one side and made yours.
The man is a lier in all his other movies, why would he be honest here? I worked/lived in Flint, and I've watched other documentaries of his. The man is a lier plain and simple. Can't be trusted anymore in my opinion.
And therein lies the problem...before even watching this video you immediately assume he is lying in it. Unbelievable. You would rather waste time typing about what a liar he is than actually watch the video.
Loose somebodies trust once and it's gone completely.
Sorry, don't agree.
Have you looked it up? Or do you just take his word like any other politician? He's the same as a dirty lieing politician.
You probably didn't even watch the video....limiting this just to the video I would say I saw nothing at all dishonest in THAT video. You are free to have your opinions about him otherwise but I see nothing wrong with the video. Some folks just want to tear down in reaction to a name they don't like. Open your mind and watch. If you find anything at all dishoest in that video let me know what it is.
Oh no, I haven't. Youtube is blocked at work. But Michael Moore cleverly disguises lies in everything, he is incredibly hard to believe anywhere for me now. Just a fair warning.
To be more credible, I think you need to learn to spell...
Hey, if that's all you can pick out, you've got nothing. I know I misspelled "liar." Now, do you have a legit argument or are you going to nitpick?
Your accusations are completely baseless. I don't know what your ideology is but I can tell you that MM upsets the PTB so much so, that they continually try to smear him... You believe that what he said in the movie Sicko, for example, is untrue? You think that a man with as much clout as MM simply lies?
The man has been assaulted and receives death threats from the Right wing. If your point is that he simply wants to make money, surely there are better and easier ways of doing that. I am astounded by the vitriol that he receives; rather than making a cool, well researched rebuttal to his films, his opponents resort to hate speech: "slob", "liar", etc. I bring up the spelling issue because I believe that to make a point you have to have some credibility. I apply those rules to myself as well.
To sum up I will quote A. Einstein: "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds"
You can disagree without resorting to childish name calling. If you really believe that he is a fake, then what do you propose we do?? Explain and back your arguments please, on where MM is a liar and someone not to be trusted. I am thankful for persons like him who dare speak up for the little guy...and so does the vast majority of the occupation.
Do your own research and you will see.
Bowling for Columbine is a simple one to look up the facts vs fiction. Let me know when you have done your research. I've watched Moore's movies, I know he has legitimate points. But they loose credibility when he tries to push his view point with lies. They are pretty simple to see, but if you simply watch his movies, you won't see them. Check your sources. Check your sources. CHECK YOUR SOURCES. I can't stress that enough. Fox News is the Michael Moore of the conservatives.
Tell me what those lies are.
There's a million, a google search will show you many. I explained one in another post already. In bowling for columbine, he rearranges clips to make what was actually said and what it appears was said complete opposites. He makes it seem like you can walk into a bank and walk out with a gun in the same day, when in fact, the bank allowed him to do it for filming purposes but it was a display rifle and he was not allowed to keep it. He didn't mention the part that you needed a background check to buy one.
Michael Moore is to be shunned for co-opting the recent capital punishment in Georgia as a promotional opportunity.
Damn right. Why doesn't he boycott Texas?
At this point it appears that Moore is just "selling newspapers." Its just tooooo easy to see the flaws in his arguably-activating movies, but he is to be commended for doing it at all. More than 'most people'!
But forget him for this cause.
To denigrate him for having earned money is misplaced, tho.
LOL. M. Moore is rich. He's one of the biggest hypocrites ever.
It isn't about whether he has wealth, but about if he hurt the 99% to get it, cheated the government and people of his fair share of taxes, hurt the environment for profit, etc. He stood on his principles, raised awareness, spoke up even as he was being attacked. Good for him.... I am sure he has enough of a conscience to put his wealth to good use....
Well said FaithnTruth there seems to be some real irrational resentment against anyone who has made money or is rich. Making money or being rich is not necessarily a bad thing. How you did it is what should be looked at and judged.
: ). U2
Watch the movie, "Michael Moore Hates America."
Sounds like Right wing, red-neck propaganda...
Watch it and find out. It's really not.
Hmmm Michael moore yeah thats from the guy who quit college because he couldn't find a parking spot. Thats just stupid