Forum Post: Michael Moore in Norway
Posted 11 years ago on June 13, 2013, 3:10 p.m. EST by struggleforfreedom80
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
btw, here's a post I wrote about Norway if you're interested:
Lordy !!! You Insane Vikings !! Please, STOP being so logical, humane and compassionate ... 'cause you're showing the rest of us up, you 'militant reasonablists', you - lolol ! :-) Also fyi, please consider :
''Isn’t it strange that there is plenty of work to do, trillions of dollars of infrastructure to be rebuilt just in our own country, lots of people who are willing to work, goods sitting on shelves, and yet we are in the midst of a recession or worse because of a scarcity in the money supply – that the only thing lacking is money ?'' Hmmm.
ad iudicium ...
Thanks for the link. Bookmarked.
Well, like I said in the article I linked to: Norway isn’t a perfect utopia, but it shows that things like decent social safety nets, free health care, free education etc aren’t unachievable. This can be implemented in the United States and elsewhere as well. But these rights don't come by themselves; they’re won by organization and struggle.
''Rights don't come by themselves ; they’re won by organization and struggle.'' Emphatic Ditto Andy !!! We urgently need to 'ExposeTheOligarchs' and organise 'therising' for a 'struggleforfreedom' towards a 'beautifulworld' so let's all put our 'shooz' on for a walk down memory lane !! WTF am I talking about ?! Here's a clue ...
"How Swedes and Norwegians Broke the Power of the ‘1 Percent'!", by George Lakey : and also see ; & !!
Solidarity @ The 99% - wherever we may be because WE are everywhere so Educ8, Agit8, Organise ;-)
per aspera ad astra ...
Great links. Truthout is really excellent.
Thanx 'sff' & please allow 82 minutes in your schedule for : "Surviving Progress". It is a rather brilliant 2011 Canadian documentary film, which is loosely based upon the excellent short book 'A Short History of Progress', by Ronald Wright and it will simply speak for itself, although I am not at all sure how long it will be available for so would encourage early viewing and possible download & saving for later sharing : [1h22m] and also refer to ... & .
Solidaritet Andy :-)
ne quid nimis ...
Documnetary has been bookmarked. You're the #1 provider of great links on this forum. Thanks for sharing :)
Thanx & therefore : ''The 1% Pathology And The Myth of Capitalism", by Dr. Michael Parenti :
"The Antidote to Ayn Rand", by Jeffrey Mikkelson :
Solidarity as we all 'struggleforf'reedom & also :-)
pax, amor et lux ...
Thanks for the links.
..and please check out part II:
You're more than welcome and do try to catch the excellent Dennis Kucinich video here :
solidaritet ...
Michael Moore is a nothing but a hypocrite, he made millions of off Capitalism and then turns around and calls it evil.
That made no sense. So an individual can’t have principles and opinions if the books he wrote or documentaries he made got a lot of attention and sold a lot of copies? That’s ridiculous. Of course Moore can advocate a more free, democratic and just society, while at the same time making documentaries lots of people want to see. Moore has always sided with the poor and the workers, no matter what was in his bank account. If anything, that shows that his beliefs are authentic.
Are you Trashy?
kinda wonder what will be forgotten
ad hominem ?
That is not what was said. Michael Moore is free to speak his mind, but others are also aloud to criticise his views.
How can you be in favour of freedom and communism at the time?
Of course people are allowed to criticize Moore. Why did you bring that up?
True freedom is only achieved in a classless society where people are in control of their own life and work:
Clancy never said that moore could not have opinions or beliefs; all he said was that Moore is a hypocrite. Which is an opinion shared by me and many others.
He said that Michael Moore is a hypocrite for criticizing capitalism while at the same time making money. That's ridiculous, and that is what I countered. Pay attention.
Mentioning Michael, tends to get our local libe(R)tarians frothing at the mouth.
Kudos for that................:)
No, they don’t like him much. He wants higher taxes on wealthy and better regulations of the powerful corporations, libe(R)tarians want the opposite.
Right-libertarianism is BULLSHIT, and it’s not hard to prove.
Not hard to prove at all, but it's proof that they reject, every single time.
It's the truth though. If he was a true commie bastard, then he would have redistributed all of his money.
You want to show me where he claims to be a commie?
That's just crap from the likes of Glenn Beck.
Now, go ahead and claim you never listen to him.
Oh, and by the way?
If you can't find it? STFU.
The communists are the ones calling him as communist. I agree with him that capitalism is bad, but all he wants to do is replace it with democracy and socialism.
Use the provided web site and show me where HE said it, not somebody else.
As far as your last sentence?
It show a profound misunderstanding of the terms you used, and I don't have time, nor patience to re-explain them allover again.
Search the forum and you learn the differences between them all.
the first video is him endorsing socialism explicitly.
Am I wrong that Michael Moore wants to replace Capitalism with Democracy and Socialism?
define socialism
What part of................
I want YOU to find the quote on the site provided.
Is giving comprehension issues?
It shouldn't be that difficult, if what you say is true.
You got exactly nothing so far, besides your confusions of the terms you're using, so just find it on the site.
I'll re-post it for you.
Go ahead. Give it a try. He really is one of the good guys.
You can be good and nice and be a hypocrite at the same time.
Michael Moore wants Socialism, am I wrong?
So, you can't find it then?
You misunderstood everything and then attempted to change what you said too.
Let's try this one more time.
Find the quote where Michael Moore claims to be a commie.
If you still can't find it??
Give up and admit that you are incorrect.......
What a bad website that is. Why advertize the master of propaganda documentaries? A man with a good heart, and he raises some important issues, but boy oh boy does he ever bend the truth to satisfy his message. Sadly, he could make the same points with serious journalism. He really shouldn't lace his documentaries with bombastic exaggerations, misdirections, quote mining, editing tricks, etc... He should just stick to proper journalism and that would make the left shine in even brighter colors. How sad to have a good message supported by shady methods. When bad methods undermine a truthful and good message, it's like shooting yourself in the foot for no reason at all.
The establishment appreciates "your" support.
when an argument that presents an idea as postulates;
I keep finding myself questioning those assumption
Are you a puppet of Mr. Cabret?
Or perhaps a sub-puppet of Mr. Puppet?
At any rate, the web site isn't his movies, and I like his movies, whether you do or not.
If you would be so kind as to show me all those horrible things you claim you saw on the site, I would appreciate it.
So, this is a guy that shed some light on the health care system and then had a backlash from the insurance companies, up to and including, being intimidated into not leaving his house. You fail to realize that the propaganda that the insurance companies put into motion contained lies in an effort to protect their capitalism and yet, the system is endearing.
WTF does that make you?
Probably a puppet, of guess who..
Of course, he and his little group are entirely too afraid.
Is Wendell Potter a hypocrite?
He probably is, I'm not talking about his whole health care insurance stuff.
You can run but you can't hide. Teathuglicans/Libertopians can never hide.
Regardless, he is still a hypocrite because he says he hates the very thing that made him very rich.
No he doesn't. But, you know what? I'm pretty sure this is a miscommunication and it's because of your color. Go talk to GSW ;) hehehe. He'll give you a fortune cookie.
He has a net worth if over 50 million and yet he claims to be part of the "99%". He also talks about how bad privatized healthcare is in America yet he went to a weight treatment facility in Florida that is extremely expensive. How is he not a hypocrite?
Yes, dear because your health care is dependent on your wealth. Nothing to be hypocritical about.
Jesus Christ, what is wring with you? It is so horribly obvious how big of a hypocrite he is. He talks about how bad privatized healthcare is and yet he takes part in privatized healthcare. That is a perfect example of a hypocrite.
This is what we have to work with right now. It really isn't that hard to grasp.
It's is really easy to grasp the fact that you are just as big a hypocrite for defending a hypocrite.
And this is why you guys all fall apart. Affordable health care in this country is a problem. Health Insurance companies have always been the ones that decide whom gets treatment or if they get treatment. Death by denial.
So, why don't you go find a legitimate argument to bring to the table. K?
it doesnt cost anything to be healthy.......
Fraud much?
Whatever you say.
I hope so
whoever that is its words need to be discredited
Wendell Potter was the insurance executive whose life was changed after spending time in West Virginia. He was personally involved in trying to discredit the documentary; "Sicko".
He is the opposite of a hypocrite. I watched him meet Michael Moore on a tv show where he apologized, and now writes articles for Moore's website.
is he paid ?
Good question, I don't know. He was certainly being paid well by the insurance company before he had his life changing experience with the poor in West Virginia. I'm certain that insurance companies aren't paying him, because he has revealed ugly stuff about them.
Here's a leftist, Christopher Hitchens, demolishing Moore with insight and truth:
Just passing thru Trashy but LOLOLOL @ Christopher Hitchens being a ''leftist'' !!! I met him once - we were both the worse for wear & though he was funny, he knew well the reactionary he'd become !! I still know people who knew him back when he was a 'leftist'', but that was nearly 45 years ago ! Take a leaf from windyacres' book & look up 'Wendell Potter' and stop trying to pretend that you are anything other than a conservative reactionary, lolol & the point of sff80's post is Norway's social policies NOT Moore !
temet nosce ...
Norway's social policies are to be emulated. Hell, America could learn a lot from its northern neighbor even though Harper is messing things up like Bush did. I don't know how you do it. I could never live in an anti-socialist regime like US. The only social program you have is libraries. Ridiculous. You're one of the wealthiest nations and you don't have socialized healthcare. It's beyond comprehension. I have friends in US that are in debt over their heads because of health problems. A real shame. It ruins their lives and makes it hard for them to contribute to society like they could have if not in debt.
Christopher Hitchens is a leftist. Being sharp and criticizing lame leftists like Michael Moore is not being rightist. That's a simplistic view. In the same way you think I'm right wing because I criticize Occupy. Critical thinkers attack shaky targets in all directions. Moore shouldn't be immune to criticism just because he's on the left. When someone lies and does stupid things, you should point it out, especially if he claims to represent your camp! As far as I'm concerned, Moore gives leftists a bad name. His documentaries use the same propaganda methods as Alex Jones. I don't only care about the message, I also care about the method. I can agree with the message, but still think the method stinks.
There you go again 'Trashy' - half truths and full lies !!! Of course I concur with with your first paragraph but bollocks to your second !! You are a 'lone wolf' and intellectual hermit - if not pygmy lol ! However - even whack-jobs deserve a break so I'm very strongly recommending "Surviving Progress" to you. It is a 2011 Canadian documentary film loosely based on the excellent li'l book 'A Short History of Progress', by Ronald Wright & will simply speak for itself but I'm not sure how long the video will be available for : [1h22m] and also refer to ... & .
fiat lux ...
How do you feel about what Wendell Potter has revealed about insurance companies?
I haven't read about that.