Forum Post: Michael Moore donates all of his above-average income to the poor...
Posted 12 years ago on March 15, 2012, 5:31 p.m. EST by Craiggiedangit
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...LOL I hope you didn't fall for that one!
LOL....! He also doesn't own huge shares of oil companies....and he has helped rebuild his hometown.
Instead of ridicule, Craig could instead come up with some arguments if he disagrees with what Michael says/does. He probably doesn't have any though.
You're right, because I agree with Moore.
Michael Moore is a entertainer.
He let Occupy Traverse City use his theater for their occupalooza.
He's a film maker don't you know, and is likely working on a film.
So what's you point? You think he should?
Clever boy!!!!!
He would not even donate his dunk n doughnut crumbs